Have you seen Salvos, or Teckos?

anybody want a Snickers?


Every time I come back to these forums they seemed to have devolved even further, and the usual suspects always seem to be at the root of it.

He burns down the house they live in, the stores they work in …


Brick Top: Do you know what “nemesis” means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an 'orrible c***… me.

I love early Guy Ritchie.

The thread actually goes really well.
The Anderson/Ima thing here is the outlier… for once!

They really must have banned a few more.
The atmosphere changed.


Imagine if Salvos were here. Instead of the 108 posts we have now, we’d be well over the 500 limit (or Falcon / ISD would have shut it down a while ago).

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I prefer a bounty. :slight_smile:

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Well I’m sorry for that, but holy ■■■■ is this guy angry. And what he sais is just completely missing the context of what was discussed in that other thread.

Anyway, I’m glad salvos is on a break for whatever reason. He really trashed all those threads and made them completely useless.

But I miss Teckos, his insights on statistics and economy where always very welcome and added so much of what is special about the EVE forums.


I liked him too, but personal feelings don’t matter.
Teckos, despite providing better content … behaved mostly the same as Salvos,
as Dom, and as Dracvlad.

Continuously easily, and repeatedly triggered …
… and continuously rationalising it in the same stupid way as everyone else did …
… and with absolutely no care about anyone else, or the threads as a whole.

Having a few less emotionally “invested” (i.e.* immature and lacking both self control and self insight), no matter the content they provide, really is a good thing.

*(please notice the correct usage of “i.e.”) : - )

And there you think you’re any better by calling us names?

Classy as well lol

Not sure what I am calling you …
… but thank you for proving my point about you being easily triggered …
… and way too emotionally involved when it comes to strangers posting things on the internet.

Not that the tons of threads and the insane amounts of replies to Salvos didn’t already give it away …

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So you think lies should be allowed to be spread by people who have no clue how things work?

K lol

P.s. The whole “triggered” thing is a normie thing, it doesn’t mean anything anymore :wink:

It never did, it’s just a troll meme. Like calling someone carebear, or saying “tears”, just when you have nothing to add, you need to resolve to personal aggression.

You know, this clique of people in the forum who never bring anything positive to the people they don’t like…


Is that actually true? After all, if no-one was ever “triggered” to respond in the first place then all trolling would be stillborn.

As an example, the OP mentioned two characters who are not currently with us and triggered this complete thread in response.

That’s true, but you need to see the bigger picture here, too. Some people simply cannot be nice. They don’t have it in them. It’s like trying to get a guy with no legs to run simply by talking to him.

You need to see people for who they are, including what they are capable and incapable of, and accept them for it, or you’ll never be happy when they’re around.

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No. Seperate the content from the behaviour.
This is about the behaviour.

If you wanted to correct someone, you would post it and be done with it. That is not what you are doing, thus there is zero reason to assume that this is what the back-and-forth-posting is about. There simply is no point in going on endlessly, because it is both futile and useless.

See, here we are now, with a big sign pointing at “rationalisation of ones behaviour”, post facto, which is a real thing people do.

And you know when people do it? When they were driven by instincts/feelings/ (or, in case of hypnotised people: programmed behaviours … and I can go a bit deeper into this, if needed) where there is no actual rationality behind it. They just do it and THEN they find reasons why they did it.

I use “triggered” simply because it applies. Someone says a word, someone reacts to it mindlessly. That’s literally like pulling a trigger, or pressing a button, that causes an automaton to behave in a certain way.

I am not trying to attack you personally. I simply state what is.

And any action triggers reaction, like any days follows a night.
The goal of posting in a social environment is to trigger a reaction on people who would read you. Other wise it’s just useless garbage.

So calling someone in particular “triggered” conveys no meaning but “I want to be an asshole to you by implying the normal behaviour is forbidden for you”.

It’s the same for “carebear”, because many people just do play the game to have a moment of fun, it just mean “I want to be an asshole to you and tell you I am better than you even if you don’t care and didn’t ask my opinion”.

Please note that this can be used for fun (laughing at self) between people who know each other, like any judgmental term.
I am not saying that calling someone carebear is necessary meant to hurt. However when you don’t know the person, this becomes the case, like any other judgmental term - and on this forum most of us don’t know each other.

Then you need to realize I can’t accept people who are actively trying to be assholes, to hurt people on the forum - even though it’s not me who’s aimed at, nor hurt.

Because that’s what Ima and his cohort of alts is trying to do. Again, I don’t know people IRL here and I can’t guess who they are - and I try to not judge people because I know how damageable and easy it is to let one’s impression impend our exchanges. So I only judge what they are doing, not who they are. And what they are doing, is harm. They hurt people so much that those people make videos to express themselves (which I feel very awkward).

In most of those posts where Salvos goes rampage, you see them insulting him, turning his words upside down, posting with several alts, before he goes mad.
I tell you that is aggression, and those people are the one responsible, they should be removed from the forum instead of salvos.

This is bullying, and this is illegal.


Yes you are, by saying he reacts mindlessly.

I’m not trying to attack you, I simply state what is




Oh, they don’t just hurt people on the forum, but they also do it in-game.

I understand that you cannot accept them for who they are. Some people have such sheltered lives that they have no need for niceness. The only way for them to ever understand the meaning of it is to tear down their lives and to take everything from them. Do you then want to be the guy who does that, or would you rather be the guy who is happy for that they know no true evil? I prefer the later. One only needs to get old enough and bad things will come along and set you right.

One funny video which tells it nicely: