Have you seen Salvos, or Teckos?

That’s true, and mostly based on Salvos sometimes having a “hard time” expressing what he actually means to say.

If you take that personally, then maybe you should step away from the computer for a while.

Words do not do harm. It is within the responsibility of the person hearing them to act accordingly. If it was the other way round, the world would eventually end in a state where language has to be controlled by the government, because unrestricted usage of words would only lead to people getting hurt.

Words do not do harm.
Lack of emotional maturity does harm.

Big ■■■■■■■ difference.

You mean like with beep on television shows, radios and such? Oh my, those beep beep beeeeeeeeeeeeep!

Please, we can not say ■■■■ or show nipples …
… because these are honest, real and natural …
… but showing someone’s head exploding is totally a-okay!

I actually bought the “Ransome the Clown” DLC for Thimbleweed Park, with every single …
… ■■■■, D##K, A#####E, C#####G, F#####D he says. Unbeeped.

(had to self-censor myself here. rules are rules)

Everyone else is still beeped, but he fully makes up for it. :smiley:
It’s ■■■■■■■ hilarious! :smiley:

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Yes they do.

other wise,
“guns don’t kill, it’s the responsibility of the people targeted to not get shot at” would be true.


No, it’s the responsibility of the person holding the gun. In the land where angels are real you don’t get shot for doing anything wrong, but because the guy holding the gun is some trigger happy hippjockey with a badge.

And we’re not even into automated weapons here, where it’s some ■■■■■■■ AI, that was built by those filter bubble techies in SV, so far removed from ethics and reality that unicorns might as well be real, deciding whether or not to shoot at you. Tough luck when you’re not a Caucasian white male.

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Words do no physical harm.

You’re ignoring the kind of harm people talk about when they say it. Emotional harm is certainly caused by words. It will get you fired when you harass a colleague or banned from a property when you verbally abuse staff. Hate speech is then against the law in many countries. That’s how serious it can get when one fails to recognize the difference.


But they are so unique that we made post and even continue to forum pvp just because of their absence.


My post was irony, to show how absurd the reasoning of solksitice projekt is.
I edit my post and add “otherwise” to be sure future readers understand this.

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This is correct

Words often tend to do more damage than physically harmful things…

(Speaking from experience)

No, it actually would not be true, but now I see that you have an apparent lack of understanding of “self responsibility”.

Are you US American, by chance?
This lack of understanding of emotional maturity and self responsibility is disturbing.

Words do not do harm. Your feelings and reactions are within your responsibility. Refusing to accept this puts you onto the same level as people claiming that “the afk cloaker prevents me from undocking”.

A victim.

Words do not do harm.
It is your own fault if they hurt you …
… it is your own fault if you react to them …
… and it is within your responsibility how you react to them.

How old are you?

Psychological harassment is a thing. That you like it or not.

People kill themselves over it…


So what you’re saying is that in the US you get shot by police for saying the wrong things?

I thought a suspect would also need to have a gun and not only wield words, but I’m not living in the US. So you tell me.


Considering how Solstice argues and jumps onto all kinds of people’s throats, he’s a reverse Salvosh. Just begging for attention but in the worst possible way. Solstice doesn’t “salvosh” posts, he makes people feel miserable and repeatedly accuses them of being US American or US American girls when the responses don’t follow his expectations.

I find it intriguing that he denies that words cannot harm you. I wonder what would happen if everyone on the forum called him bovine waste day in, day out. Bovine waste is not an insult so it does not break forum rules. :slight_smile:

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Sure, it is. And it sucks, too.
Does it justify censoring everyone?


When words hurt you … then I suggest you learn how to deal with them.
If you can not do that, I suggest seeking professional help.

In any other case you will, over generations, have more and more laws and regulations about what you can say - and can not - because more and more people will declare that certain words and phrases hurt them.

It’s like “One More Nerf”, and I am not kidding.

Words do not hurt “you”.
It is “you” who blames the other guy for your reaction …
… which might remind you of “It’s always the others and never my own fault”.

I somehow agree with you on this


The exact people that is being talking about …
… are agreeing on something about the person who calls out their shitty behaviour.


Gold. :slight_smile:

Go on … I take notes. : - )

We agree that words can harm

And that yes, you’re looking for attention.
Why else would you make this thread (other than for trolling?)

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The reason can be seen in the initial post.

You are projecting. That means that you impose your personal thought processes onto me.
All evidence points at the exact opposite of what you are claiming.

Think about it. It is the other way round.

You literally hog all the attention of a whole thread, because a single person says something you disagree with and can’t deal with, just because the person brings it across in a dominant, authorative (how do you spell that again?) way as Salvos tends to do. Probably his military thing, I don’t know or care.

I don’t do that, do I?

You’ve created a whine thread on reddit about being banned from the forums. Was it a whole thread or was it just a comment? It’s been a while and I can’t recall, and I don’t remember your reddit name. Care to share?

Anyhow … I don’t do that either, do I?

I don’t continuously post images to piss off people, and I certainly don’t try to “crawl under people’s skin” regularly, as people have pointed out that you do.

Who, here, is craving other people’s attention?

I make threads, because I want to know things.
Sometimes I make threads, because I notice things and want to share them.
Sometimes I make threads, because people are dumb enough to let themselves be trapped in them.

Occasionally I honour ISD Ezwal.

Hell, I rarely even post!

I certainly do not create threads about how I got ganked, how I got scammed, how I got hot dropped. I do not create posts making fun of antigankers, I do not make posts trying to be told that I am right (as you know and can see, everywhere on the forums, because IDGAF and just end the "conversation) and I absolutely do not insist on people believing in what I say, because that’s far outside my responsibilities.

So …

Got anything more to say?

Unless you’re stoned out of your mind :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I don’t do drugs, so yeah :smile:

Also @Solstice_Projekt nice wall of text
But I’m the one projecting lol