The reason can be seen in the initial post.
You are projecting. That means that you impose your personal thought processes onto me.
All evidence points at the exact opposite of what you are claiming.
Think about it. It is the other way round.
You literally hog all the attention of a whole thread, because a single person says something you disagree with and can’t deal with, just because the person brings it across in a dominant, authorative (how do you spell that again?) way as Salvos tends to do. Probably his military thing, I don’t know or care.
I don’t do that, do I?
You’ve created a whine thread on reddit about being banned from the forums. Was it a whole thread or was it just a comment? It’s been a while and I can’t recall, and I don’t remember your reddit name. Care to share?
Anyhow … I don’t do that either, do I?
I don’t continuously post images to piss off people, and I certainly don’t try to “crawl under people’s skin” regularly, as people have pointed out that you do.
Who, here, is craving other people’s attention?
I make threads, because I want to know things.
Sometimes I make threads, because I notice things and want to share them.
Sometimes I make threads, because people are dumb enough to let themselves be trapped in them.
Occasionally I honour ISD Ezwal.
Hell, I rarely even post!
I certainly do not create threads about how I got ganked, how I got scammed, how I got hot dropped. I do not create posts making fun of antigankers, I do not make posts trying to be told that I am right (as you know and can see, everywhere on the forums, because IDGAF and just end the "conversation) and I absolutely do not insist on people believing in what I say, because that’s far outside my responsibilities.
So …
Got anything more to say?