Do you ever read your own post, use some self reflection Dom.
Your whole cult of Code is about harming people then ridiculing them a second time on your website. Your clubhouse is full of sociopathic sadists who get off on hurting people.
You and your ilk are genuinely damaged goods and want to spread the ‘joy’ around.
Then you come here and try to play some sort of victim card.
You are a hapless joke, along with all the other code flunkies.
Salvos is a far better person then any of you. The sooner his hiatus finishes the better.
It’s enough to be a person of color for the people over there to happily shoot you. And get away with it unpunished.
Cops with bodycams planting drugs on a “suspect” that they then “find” (funny enough the body cam recorded the planting part too): No punishment.
Cops randomly shooting people because they grab their wallet, or hold a phone: No punishment.
Cops shooting people because they didn’t put a bottle of booze into a paper bag: No punishment.
SWAT teams shooting unarmed men that opened the door to their house because the bell rang: No punishment.
Welcome to the land of the free, where the earth is flat and angels are real.
So, this thread is kind of a train wreck. Oddly enough it seems to have “self-salvoshed” itself without salvosh even being around😅.
I will make a comment on something I just read, because it has an in game corollary.
People were talking about how words can hurt. Personally I just think society has grown so oversensative that words hurt more than they used to and this shows how all this 1st world privilege and prosperity is actually making us weak. You don’t hear about trigger warnings in countries where people are starving…
But anyways, this forum is known for harshness. If you are so sensitive that words have this affect on you, why participate in a harsh forum?
Of course I’ve asked the same question about the game itself. If getting blown up ,ganked, bumped, scammed, awoxxed, stolen from and such bothers you so much , why play eve when literally every other mmo doesn’t do that?
Its like some of you are gluttons for punishment but don’t want to admit it , it seems to me…
I’m vary sorry but I agree with dom on this : CODE. is just playing the game as it was designed.
The salt, the arrogance is another thing. But killing helpless miners in belts, that’s 100% Eve. Killing helpless freighters too.
I already stated it but if they were not here
someone else should fill that role
the game will be more boring in HS.
Just because you lose assets in Eve does not mean there is no content.
Maybe I’m biased here but people need to learn that in Eve,
nothing is granted
you pay with your time
people will gladly shoot you.
HS is not “safe sec” .
and AFAIK not many other corps makes it as clear as CODE.
(I don’t have an alt in CODE. , just saying what I think) . Nobody is perfect, but you have to respect what people are good at.
TLDR : leave the game to the game and the forum to the forum. ppl are encouraged to shoot one another in the game, not in the forum.
You’re confusing “growing a skin” with the right to dignity.
One should grow a skin of course, but nobody should be treated like trash and talked down to. Especially in the service industry, where people go to work everyday to serve others can this be seen. If this is a waitress in a dirty apron, who gets insulted for not giving a customer enough sugar, or a soldier who is accused of being a murderer for doing his duty, there are things you shouldn’t say even when one can shrug them off.
Please. RL threats are not to be handled by CCP, you should call the cops and make him go to jail.
Anyhow what is past is past, and you are derailing the thread with your complaints. I agree that dom is not perfect (hence my “I’m sorry about agreeing with dom” ) but you don’t do yourself any good by focusing on this.
I’m sorry but that’s all nonsense. And I work in a public safety job where people have literally told me that they were had that people like me get shot (this said to me during an incident where multiple officers had died not 2 hours earlier).
It sucks, but freedom of speech is freedom of speech. I had then and have now no right to not be offended. Niether does anyone else.