★ Headhunters' public killright office ☠️

:boom: This target was killed using this killright thus the KR is no longer available.

:dart: Target https://evewho.com/character/2120672019
:spiral_calendar: Deadline 29 days left (from post date)
:credit_card: KR price 50 mil ISK

:stopwatch: This killright has expired thus is no longer available.

:dart: Target https://evewho.com/character/2119326993
:spiral_calendar: Deadline 29 days left (from post date)
:credit_card: KR price 50 mil ISK

:stopwatch: This killright has expired thus is no longer available.

:dart: Target https://evewho.com/character/2117527042
:spiral_calendar: Deadline 29 days left (from post date)
:credit_card: KR price 50 mil ISK

:boom: This target was killed using this killright thus the KR is no longer available.

:dart: Target https://evewho.com/character/2121563422
:spiral_calendar: Deadline 29 days left (from post date)
:credit_card: KR price 50 mil ISK

It is hilarious when one is activated everytime you enter Jita

Yeah sometimes people try to get rid of their killrights that way, especially funny when the very gankers who station camp Jita 4-4. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Either way the owner gets paid whatever they set the KR available for. This is why owners should not set their killrights available for free or too low amount of ISK otherwise they just waste their KRs.

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Uriel please stay on topic.

I wonder how much my bounty will be to post bail. @Uriel_the_Flame

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Just the standard Frostpacker fee. :wink:

Though I think the best would be if you only fly something at most a couple hundred mils worth for a while, just to see if anyone pays for the KR. (Also if someone does you’re still better off ISK-wise than buying the KR yourself.)

Btw I wonder why did you jetcan a bunch of ammo, did you try to drag items from the container into the jetcan or something? :thinking:

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:boom: This target was killed using this killright thus the KR is no longer available.

:dart: Target https://evewho.com/character/2114325799
:spiral_calendar: Deadline 29 days left (from post date)
:credit_card: KR price (1 bil) ISK


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Bargain price, today only!

:stopwatch: This killright has expired thus is no longer available.

:dart: Target https://evewho.com/character/2119556045
:spiral_calendar: Deadline 29 days left (from post date)
:credit_card: KR price 150 mil ISK

Killright Cleared…

read local :cold_face: :popcorn: :sparkler:

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:stopwatch: This killright has expired thus is no longer available.

:dart: Target https://evewho.com/character/2121154158
:spiral_calendar: Deadline 29 days left (from post date)
:credit_card: KR price 50 mil ISK

:stopwatch: This killright has expired thus is no longer available.

:dart: Target https://evewho.com/character/2120793131
:spiral_calendar: Deadline 29 days left (from post date)
:credit_card: KR price 50 mil ISK

:boom: This target was killed using this killright thus the KR is no longer available.

:dart: Target https://evewho.com/character/2121833759
:spiral_calendar: Deadline 28 days left (from post date)
:credit_card: KR price 50 mil ISK

:stopwatch: This killright has expired thus is no longer available.

:dart: Target https://evewho.com/character/96855175
:spiral_calendar: Deadline 29 days left (from post date)
:credit_card: KR price 250 mil ISK

:boom: This target was killed using this killright thus the KR is no longer available.

:dart: Target https://evewho.com/character/2114727804
:spiral_calendar: Deadline 29 days left (from post date)
:credit_card: KR price 150 mil ISK