Help Seed The Moons of New Eden!

6th button from the top left in the reply window </>

Ah, not on my mobile.
Thank you Sir o7

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Eve is dying. Since 2003.


I want my Golem back please

pi isnt exactly a random number

We will never forget. We will never forgive. FREEGIGX

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Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn. Ph’‘fhalma cgnaiih, csgn’wahl goka y-ch’ h’ilyaa uh’e Tsathoggua, ftaghu uh’e f’vulgtlagln fhtagn ebunma fm’latgh. Phlegeth naflron nnnn’gha ehye nw orr’e clw’nafh zhro ph’ah, uaaah Shub-Niggurathog hlirgh Hastur throd nafln’ghft y-shogg, Shub-Niggurath geb goka s’uhn naphlegeth nnngoka ch’. Na’ai ilyaa r’luh f’nilgh’ri orr’e, ng’ai vulgtlagln.

Oh sorry, wrong language… i use:

In his house at R’lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming.

Moon McGooeyface

“In chaos theory sensitive dependence on initial conditions, where a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences later, means… You’re not prepared”

“Don’t ever mistake my silence for ignorance, my calmness for acceptance, or my kindness for weakness.” - Carson Kolhoff

In memory of Vile Rat and other fallen friends

Attention all Planets of the Solar Federation
Attention all Planets of the Solar Federation
Attention all Planets of the Solar Federation

We have assumed control.
We have assumed control.
We have assumed control.

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The spice must flow
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Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the Goo
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just put all the good moons in delve
ppl think ccp is controled by mittens anyway

“Mining is the art of exploiting mineral deposits at a profit. An unprofitable mine is fit only for the sepulcher of a dead mule.”

― T.A. Rickard

And I crupped out there. :confused:


It’s an md5 sum of a moon photo, taken from Apollo 11.
Because :science:

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Just gonna post my Lucky numbe:


Place all the R64s in Delve.

Make Delve even greater again