Helpful Channels

Mostly because the 4000 character limit means there’s a finite number of channel links, hyperlinks and text that you can include in the MOTD.

In terms of spamming, that wasn’t my intention and I’m sorry if it came across that way. My heroes in EVE are people like @Mike_Azariah and so I try to be a force for good in the game. The channels are just an extension of this is the same way that the Revised EVE Activities & Careers Chart Project is.

If you’re new to the game like you are, please don’t be intimidated, Rookie Help Chat especially, is a really friendly channel and there are loads of players like me who will regularly help newbies and rookies out with all kinds of questions.

My apologies, I should have spelt it out in the original message: Message Of The Day. Basically a fixed bit of text that the channel creator can set to include normal text, hyperlinks, channel links and links to items in the game. Most of the channels that you’ll find use it to spell out rules and so on, or links as in mine.

I hope my replies are helpful.
