I suspect mission invasion accounts for a large percentage of those older players, because they’ve never bothered to look into the game mechanics much beyond following a walkthrough for missions and not shooting spawn triggers.
Older players who aren’t experienced at PvP but can be conned into engaging in it are everywhere, if I didn’t know how avoid the trap I would be one of them.
1st of all there are more morons then geniuses like u … watt nobody gets is that eve is purely stats base game !!! there in conclusion is SP based and the morons know watt they say … there is no skill base in eve !!! its just STATS 2nd watt ever 200 mil SP guys says is true so yeah cant argue with geniuses like MR Phycad
algos,cats,moa,thorax are ships i can think of off the top of my head that are not t1 frigs or indies i have killed in toons under 7days old generaly flown by toons over a year old. and this is solo the targets are endless once you remember its an MMO and get friends
Loads. Never underestimate people’s ability to leave themselves inexplicably vulnerable, especially when confronted with an apparent “new player”.
Anyone remember back when training queues were never more than 24 hours long unless you put a REALLY long skill in?
Why? “Killing” an older player who knows the mechanics as well as another older player…seems like quite an accomplishment vs. killing a new player on a new character.
But who cares? The OP’s idea is just bad. @Jonah_Gravenstein had is exactly right. Even if CCP thought this was a brilliant idea to preserve balance while shortening training times would not work out like the OP suggests.
Never said OP’s Idea was any good… Personalty, it makes no sense to change the training time.
It just requires patience to overcome.
Wow realy getting the idea here … i want to do an experiment: t2 frig max sp versus 3 alpha frig max sp for alpha no electronic warfare … who will win the fight ? I say every time t2 frig will win the SP makes all the difference!
depends on the pilots entirely
A pilot needs to know their ship better than their opponent. That more than anything decides the outcome of a fight. All the bling in the world won’t help if you’re not as skilled as your opponent. Every ship has its weaknesses. Once you know how to exploit those weaknesses, you’ll either avoid a fight you can’t win or decimate your opponent in a fight you can win.
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