Here is how to gain neutral standings to triglavian npcs

Would be awesome, since i’m not the fighter type i don’t know how to do this grind, is a cruiser enough or do i need a battleship ? And how do i do it then, just jumping into a system(a 0.7 system is for sure better then Niarya…its directly on my trade route to Jita ;( ) and fly somewhere ?

here is the standing gain for the entities in the “retaliating entities” or “invading”, removing 0, groupe by standing gain, sorted by gain increasing

Edencom gain entities
-0.0888 Republic Fleet Naglfar;State Navy Phoenix;Imperial Navy Revelation;Federal Navy Moros
-0.0666 EDENCOM Fortification Orca;EDENCOM Fortification Orca;EDENCOM Fortification Orca;EDENCOM Fortification Orca
-0.029601 Exalted Imperial Navy Apocalypse;Chief Republic Fleet Typhoon;Exalted Imperial Navy Armageddon;Executive State Navy Raven;Chief Republic Fleet Tempest;Executive State Navy Scorpion;Presiding Federal Navy Megathron;Presiding Federal Navy Dominix
-0.02535 Elite Federal Navy Dominix;Elite State Navy Raven;Elite Imperial Navy Armageddon;Presiding Federal Navy Brutix;Elite Imperial Navy Apocalypse;Elite Federal Navy Megathron;Elite Republic Fleet Typhoon;Executive State Navy Drake;Exalted Imperial Navy Harbinger;Elite State Navy Scorpion;Elite Republic Fleet Tempest;Chief Republic Fleet Hurricane
-0.02384 Executive State Navy Cerberus;Presiding Federal Navy Deimos;Presiding Federal Navy Lachesis;Executive State Navy Rook;Chief Republic Fleet Muninn;Chief Republic Fleet Scimitar;Exalted Imperial Navy Pilgrim;Chief Republic Fleet Huginn;Exalted Imperial Navy Zealot;Executive State Navy Basilisk;Presiding Federal Navy Oneiros;Exalted Imperial Navy Guardian
-0.022201 Elite Federal Navy Brutix;Elite State Navy Drake;Elite Imperial Navy Harbinger;Elite Republic Fleet Hurricane
-0.0195 Presiding Federal Navy Taranis;Executive State Navy Kirin;Exalted Imperial Navy Deacon;Executive State Navy Raptor;Exalted Imperial Navy Sentinel;Presiding Federal Navy Keres;Presiding Federal Navy Thalia;Exalted Imperial Navy Crusader;Chief Republic Fleet Scalpel;Chief Republic Fleet Claw;Chief Republic Fleet Hyena;Executive State Navy Kitsune
-0.019241 Republic Fleet Tempest;Republic Fleet Typhoon;Imperial Navy Apocalypse;State Navy Raven;Imperial Navy Armageddon;State Navy Scorpion;Federal Navy Dominix;Federal Navy Megathron
-0.017761 Elite Republic Fleet Muninn;Elite Republic Fleet Scimitar;Elite Federal Navy Oneiros;Elite Republic Fleet Huginn;Elite Imperial Navy Guardian;Elite State Navy Basilisk;Elite Federal Navy Deimos;Elite Imperial Navy Pilgrim;Elite Imperial Navy Zealot;Elite State Navy Rook;Elite State Navy Cerberus;Elite Federal Navy Lachesis
-0.014801 Federal Navy Brutix;Imperial Navy Harbinger;State Navy Drake;Republic Fleet Hurricane
-0.011841 Imperial Navy Pilgrim;State Navy Cerberus;Republic Fleet Scimitar;State Navy Rook;Federal Navy Oneiros;Imperial Navy Zealot;Federal Navy Deimos;Federal Navy Lachesis;Republic Fleet Muninn;Republic Fleet Huginn;Imperial Navy Guardian;State Navy Basilisk
-0.0117 Elite Imperial Navy Deacon;Elite State Navy Kitsune;Elite State Navy Raptor;Elite Republic Fleet Hyena;Elite Federal Navy Thalia;Elite Federal Navy Taranis;Elite Republic Fleet Scalpel;Elite Republic Fleet Claw;Elite State Navy Kirin;Elite Imperial Navy Sentinel;Elite Imperial Navy Crusader;Elite Federal Navy Keres
-0.00962 Scout State Navy Scorpion;Scout Imperial Navy Armageddon;Scout Federal Navy Dominix;Scout State Navy Raven;Scout Republic Fleet Tempest;Scout Federal Navy Megathron;Scout Imperial Navy Apocalypse;Scout Republic Fleet Typhoon
-0.0078 Imperial Navy Deacon;Republic Fleet Hyena;Federal Navy Thalia;Imperial Navy Crusader;Republic Fleet Scalpel;State Navy Kitsune;Republic Fleet Claw;State Navy Raptor;Federal Navy Keres;Imperial Navy Sentinel;Federal Navy Taranis;State Navy Kirin
-0.0074 Scout Imperial Navy Harbinger;Scout State Navy Drake;Scout Federal Navy Brutix;Scout Republic Fleet Hurricane
-0.00592 Scout Republic Fleet Scimitar;Scout Imperial Navy Pilgrim;Scout Federal Navy Deimos;Scout State Navy Basilisk;Scout Federal Navy Oneiros;Scout Imperial Navy Guardian;Scout Imperial Navy Zealot ;Scout Republic Fleet Muninn;Scout Republic Fleet Huginn;Scout State Navy Cerberus;Scout State Navy Rook ;Scout Federal Navy Lachesis
-0.0039 Scout Republic Fleet Claw;Scout Imperial Navy Crusader;Scout State Navy Raptor;Scout Republic Fleet Hyena;Scout Imperial Navy Deacon;Scout State Navy Kirin;Scout Federal Navy Thalia;Scout Imperial Navy Sentinel ;Scout State Navy Kitsune;Scout Federal Navy Keres;Scout Federal Navy Taranis;Scout Republic Fleet Scalpel
0.00585 Raznaborg Anchoring Kikimora;Raznaborg Tangling Damavik;Raznaborg Blinding Kikimora;Raznaborg Damavik;Raznaborg Anchoring Damavik;Raznaborg Ghosting Damavik;Raznaborg Renewing Damavik;Raznaborg Harrowing Kikimora;Raznaborg Harrowing Damavik;Raznaborg Blinding Damavik;Raznaborg Tangling Kikimora;Raznaborg Starving Damavik;Raznaborg Kikimora
0.00888 Raznaborg Renewing Rodiva;Raznaborg Harrowing Rodiva;Raznaborg Vedmak;Raznaborg Tangling Vedmak;Raznaborg Rodiva;Raznaborg Starving Vedmak;Raznaborg Harrowing Vedmak;Raznaborg Starving Rodiva;Raznaborg Blinding Vedmak;Raznaborg Anchoring Vedmak;Raznaborg Blinding Rodiva
0.0111 Raznaborg Harrowing Drekavac;Raznaborg Starving Drekavac;Raznaborg Drekavac;Raznaborg Tangling Drekavac;Raznaborg Anchoring Drekavac;Raznaborg Renewing Drekavac;Raznaborg Blinding Drekavac
0.0117 Blinding Damavik;Starving Damavik;Tangling Damavik;Liminal Damavik;Anchoring Kikimora;Harrowing Kikimora;Liminal Kikimora;Harrowing Damavik;Renewing Damavik;Ghosting Damavik;Anchoring Damavik;Blinding Kikimora;Tangling Kikimora
0.01755 Hospodar Tangling Damavik;Hospodar Tangling Kikimora;Hospodar Anchoring Kikimora;Hospodar Liminal Damavik;Hospodar Harrowing Damavik;Hospodar Starving Damavik;Hospodar Liminal Kikimora;Hospodar Renewing Damavik;Hospodar Harrowing Kikimora;Hospodar Blinding Kikimora;Hospodar Blinding Damavik;Hospodar Anchoring Damavik;Hospodar Ghosting Damavik
0.017761 Liminal Rodiva;Renewing Rodiva;Liminal Vedmak;Harrowing Vedmak
0.022201 Liminal Drekavac;Ghosting Drekavac;Starving Drekavac
0.026641 Hospodar Liminal Rodiva;Hospodar Harrowing Vedmak;Hospodar Renewing Rodiva;Hospodar Liminal Vedmak
0.028861 Raznaborg Renewing Leshak;Raznaborg Tangling Leshak;Liminal Leshak;Raznaborg Anchoring Leshak;Renewing Leshak;Raznaborg Starving Leshak;Blinding Leshak;Raznaborg Blinding Leshak;Raznaborg Leshak
0.02925 Zorya’s Damavik;Zorya’s Kikimora
0.033301 Hospodar Ghosting Drekavac;Hospodar Liminal Drekavac;Hospodar Starving Drekavac
0.03576 Zorya’s Rodiva;Zorya’s Vedmak
0.038026 Zorya’s Drekavac;Hospodar Blinding Leshak;Hospodar Liminal Leshak;Hospodar Renewing Leshak
0.044401 Zorya’s Leshak
0.1 TestDreadFriendly
0.1332 Liminal Zirnitra

you just need to kill the entities in order to make your standing be very close to 0, by killing those that can get closer to 0.
eg if you are -0.0100 with edencom, killing a “Raznaborg Harrowing Drekavac” shouyld put you to 0.001 with them, and the -0.001 with triglavians. After that you may try to relog and see if the trigs or edencom target you.
All you need to kill is ONE rat every 15 min , wait for a tick of standing, relog. Then you also need another program to tell you what you actual standing is.
To kill the rat, the best is to alpha a ship in a long range eg oracle. OR, you can just harm one enough in a noobship, get killed, this should also provide the standing gain.

Thanks for all the data. When i use a small ship, isnt it hard to get into shooting range before the bigger enemies kill me on sight ?
I’m Amarr, what ship would you suggest as the cheapest and big-enough one ?
And are light T2-drones a option to dmg them ? Guess i can do more with drones since my shooting skills are very poor

you warp at 100. you shoot, they burn to you, you align, you warp off and wait 15 min for the standing tick.

People I know did that, I just think it’s too much grinding going to neutrality, especially if CCP decides to ■■■■ people again later. But when I tried, I had to lose my noobship to get a standing increase (and if you fail you spent 20 minutes for nothing). So there was no need for a “bigger ship”, especially since you shoot friendly target they won’t aggress you first.

One comment to that method is that the ship has to be destroyed, if you just shoot an EDENCOM NPC and warp off then you will not get a standing tick.

So, make sure that you kill off a frigate using that method.

That has not been the general observation, and is not in agreement with normal NPC mechanics.

He is saying the target needs to be destroyed.

Which I disagree with, but who actually knows … Maybe CCP made mechanism character-specific ?

Meanwhile i talked to someone who made neutral standing to Triglavians and negative to Edencom. He is not happy with it, because Edencom has more gates and more systems, and since there is no “total peace” with both, i think i’m better of to let it all as it is and scout a system with non-imped char in a shuttle before passing it with my bestower.

did that now I’m red to Edencom and getting shot.

For sure you can turn it around again. Kill some Trigs to have it as it was before i would suggest

Not so sure of that. My alt that sided with Triglavians in order to get his Orca out of a Final Lumin system seems now unable to repair standings with EDENCOM.

I used a Rookie ship to fire on an EDENCOM ship to get neutral standings with Triglavians, got my Orca back from the invaded system, yet now there appears to be no way to reverse the EDENCOM standings damage. Seems a one was street permanently with standings also.

Go find someone running sites in a minor victory system and shoot at stuff there.

Shooting at npcs without killing them isn’t always giving a change to standings.

Why do you think you cannot repair your standing with Edencom again ? Just shoot Triglavian ships ?

If you get the right combination of ships you can be neutral to both.

I wonder if it still works,
standing is so hard to deal with if my standing with both sides already changed.

It does still work yes.

While it still works, take note that your standings is in that very weird neutral zone, and sometimes due to some rounding error, either faction will shoot you. Sometimes even while remaining white, which I’ve had happen - they popped the ship but left the pod. That trig npc dude’s gonna get a dressing down somewhere for that.

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I wonder if I can fudge it to kill the pod and not the ship :upside_down_face:

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Not happened to me yet.

At the moment my ship is sitting between a group of edencom and trigs while they kill each other and I loot and salvage them :joy: