which system can i do this in right now?
Unless you have friends that can take you there are only lowsec systems currently being invaded
There are more systems under invasion than just those that they show you the Agency. For instance, Nonni is under invasion right now, and they have EDENCOM forward posts in system.
That being said, I just went through and got standings by killing an EDENCOM ship, and I still get podded by the Trigs (yes, I waited for the standings to show up in my Interactions).
Did you check in your standings list ?
What/who is Steve? Did the Trigs resurrect the first Titan wreck?
The Trig lovers picked the dumbest possible name for the Trig sentry guns. Totally breaks the fourth wall.
-1 for “Steve”
Steve the insta podding god sentry
Well, it was already taken, too, so…
yes, I did. Trig 0.002 was there. It looks like after logging out and back in, it worked as expected. Perhaps I just was not patient enough.
Took 20 minutes last time I did it.
hmm?I can go to low sec lol. I did it in nourvakaiken, just popped a frig and bounced. pretty easy.
Thier are people there right now but yeah lowsec. And 5 jumps through lowsec
The only thing to fix is that if you choose to kill edencom ships and lose standing to edencom, edencom stays neutral. Edencom should turn red once you lose standings to them. Trigs become neutral once you gain any standing with them. Simple.
lol makes no sense I get CCP want to add flavour to the game but must we do this grind just to prevent Trig Ganks now
20 mins is hardly a grind lol
I’ve never understood why people are so afraid of low-sec. Apart from one or two areas it’s pretty devoid of life anyway, and there are simple steps you can take to help avoid getting killed en route.
Because those same people are terrified to lose their ship - even if they are flying something cheap.
So to gain neutral standing with both Trig and Edencom NPC’s, use a Rookie ship, fire on an Edencom NPC, warp out, dock up and wait 20 mins?
Yup that’s it
Luminality is all!