You don’t ‘gain neutral standing’, you end up with the Trigs liking you enough not to kill you on sight (+0.004), but Edencom not hating you enough to kill you on sight (-0.004).
Yes - I’ve just done this myself, in a free Corvette with 2 free guns. The Corvette even survived the experience, so not even an embarassing kill-mail
Yeah technically you’re right, but with the way how standing numbers are rounded up/down it’s basically the same as being neutral.
Wow, so you have Triglavian (+0.004) and Edencom (-0.004) standings? That’s a lot more than what I’ve seen others post in this thread.
The OP states it’ll be +0.001 to Trigs and -0.001 to Edencom. Another poster said they got 0.002 standing to both.
Gotta say that’s definitely an interesting aspect about this new content, a Corvette fit with Civilian weapons can gain standing which basically makes both Factions neutral without even destroying a single NPC…
So now I just have to go find a system where I can do that.
I did 2 different characters today, one got ± 0.001, the other got ± 0.004. The only reason I can think of why they might be different is that I lost my ship with the 0.001, but got away intact with the 0.004.
No problem, use the Agency to find a 'Stellar Reconnaisance", fly there and dock up in a normal ship, get yourself a free Corvette and find the ‘Forward Post’ with the least Edencom ships, get close and shoot one - you might get away (I did once, but not the other time), go back to where you left your normal ship, and wait 20 minutes. You should get a Notification about a reduced standing with Edencom, the Trig standing goes up at the same time.
The standing loss probably depends on which Edencom ship you choose to engage.
Yeah, I think you’re right. The Epic Arcs have different standing hits assigned to various NPC’s.
Do you know which NPC ships you engaged on those characters?
Spouse and I engaged a Navy Battleship in Nourvukaiken (or however it is spelled - the EDENCOM minor victory system near Jita). Spouse’s corvette popped, mine lived, we both escaped with pods. Standing impact was 0.0004.
As far as I know the amount of standing you receive is based on what type of edencom ship you attack.
Scout 0.002 I think is the lowest then imperial scout 0.004 (forgot the actual name) then elite 0.006.
Could be wrong but that’s how I see it on my trig alt.
0.001 will get you neutral standings to trigs
-1 will get you shot by edencom but it takes a fare few kills to rack up -1.
If you have a group who can take you it’s easier to get standings in either edencom or trig minor systems.
For those solo flyers it’s prob easier to go to the current system under invasion.
You don’t need to ask for a fleet you only need to fly to a edencom forward post and wait for a group of players to arrive.
If you take a friend who has never experienced this kind of stuff before make him wait till you have a spot right in the middle of the action then watch as he freaks out upon warpin lol. Even better if on discord haha.
Omg omg what the f is this omg I’m gonna die what did you do to me ,… Wait nothings attacking me wtf is going on,… I’m confused… lol I love newbros
Why is this step necessary?
Because if you attack first they will kill you
Who cares? CCP gives me unlimited corvettes, free of charge.
If you do that and no one kills that ship you hit before the standings tick I don’t think you get any standings.
At least that’s what I’m told by people trying to do it in minor systems.
you can turn around 3 times jumping in one foot , don’t know if it works
silly ritual
Yes that is a silly ritual I agree
I doubt anyone came in after my spouse and I to blow the beacon site (cyno field or something) and we still got our standings after about 20 minutes. It may be target-specific; some targets may not give a standings change at all, while others always will. I recommend hitting a battleship with a corvette, but make sure you actually do damage before you run away, as I cannot vouch for miss-only attacks doing the job.
I can’t remember exactly, but it was probably BC’s.
What I did was fly around all the Forward Posts in the system and pick the one with the least ships.
Not the way it works - if you hit an Edencom ship you get the Trig standings, regardless of the fate of the ship you hit.
Ok cool then it’s even easier to get it
I’d go as far as to say trivial…