I just made an amazing experience.
I tried to move my alt into Trig Luminality system Harva, jumped through gate, spammed warp button.
I was sitting in a frigate, and my ship was executed on the gate before it could reach warp.
I got to the station in capsule. there are two gate guns on the gate, they onehit frigate, no lock time, they do it instantly.
I warped back, again, my capsule was executed without any delay.
I do not believe this is intended game mechanics. Nullsec does not have gate guns, in hisec they fire only if you break rules. I am not sure if they one hit you in hisec, been playing for years, I behave myself.
Before someone starts screaming Edencom supporter, I never once joined Edencom fleet, I play from the start for the Trigs.
The Trig community is small but dedicated group of players, if I say small, I mean the core, is a few dozen people. I am part of it. These people emphasize, that they focus on PvP.
Right now there is no internal divide between them. They are not close, but do not attack one another.
That leaves the question, what will this PvP group do, when you created star systems, where they are perfectly safe.
I believe Goons should demand, that gate guns are placed in their systems, on each gate, and onehit anyone who is not part of their alliance, who approaches gate, instantly and with no delay.
I do not think that this was intended game mechanics.
I am on the comms of Triglavian community, I know that people communicate with the GM all the time, and bring various toppics and bugs to attention.
Please consider this to be another such effort.
By the way, I went to Edencom fortress system, it did have 4 gates in total, only on one gate was one Edencom gate gun.
Seems like disparity to me. Trig system with one gate only has two gate guns on it, Edencom system with 4 gates has only one gategun on only one gate. This should be also given attention.
Thank you for your attention.