July 21, 2020, 2:50pm
As far as we know they last forever. At least they will last many months. You can avoid the problem by getting neutral standing with the Trigalvians in a cheap ship.
Being trig friendly and calling a trig system home…
I can say that the pilots that didn’t know of the increase…,earned real quick when they jumped in and found a fleet of trigs and gate guns set up…pop…pop…pop
The salvage and loot has been amazing
I just made an amazing experience.
I tried to move my alt into Trig Luminality system Harva, jumped through gate, spammed warp button.
I was sitting in a frigate, and my ship was executed on the gate before it could reach warp.
I got to the station in capsule. there are two gate guns on the gate, they onehit frigate, no lock time, they do it instantly.
I warped back, again, my capsule was executed without any delay.
I do not believe this is intended game mechanics. Nullsec does not…
Why on earth are we being forced to stop our game play style and waste time on going to shoot rats to then not get shot by other rats??? CCP i pay to play this game not pay for you to tell me what to do. I think you should be looking to make paying clients happy not annoy them with making them waste their day setting standings so they can freely move around the game.