If you guys ever decide to allow anchoring structures in pochven, it’d be really neat if in addition to the normal fuel requirements, they required a weekly fee of Interstellar Navigation Logs.
The fee would be paid at any of the NPC stations. If the fee is not paid, the station would behave as if un-fueled. Possibly in addition to that, but more difficult to pull off; if the fee isn’t paid, a large hospodar fleet would also spawn and attack the structure.
Anchoring citadels should also require Corp Triglavian standing of 7.0 or higher with higher Corp standing granting a progressive discount on the weekly navigation log fee.
Then to avoid the obvious workaround of a 1 pilot alt holding corp, limit structures based on member count in the corp.
5-10: 1 structure
10-20: 2 structures
Or some form of scaling system like that.
But wait, you ask, why navigation logs? Because they are generated from Pochven players engaging in the content. Observatory flashpoints, world Arks, other combat sites and wormholes, and looting/salvaging throughout pochven all generate Interstellar Navigation Logs. Quite a lot of them. Arguably too much currently based on how the price has dropped dramatically over the past year. And that’s not to mention how many are likely out there sitting in people’s hangars because they’re just so cheap, they don’t seem worth selling.
Adding this new way to spend them would not only go a long way toward getting their price a bit healthier, but would also make pochven content more lucrative, and therefore more competitive. On top of that, it would prevent citadel spam in Pochven if the weekly fee is managed correctly. There are a limited number of combat sites in pochven at any given time, so the output per week would have an upper limit and is not scalable indefinitely.
As more structures are anchored and consistent demand for nav logs goes up, they would act as a somewhat flexible soft cap because any attempt at farming them would still be limited by the fixed number of combat sites up at once. Plus, the economic consequences of excessive citadel placement would likely prevent the demand from reaching anywhere near the true cap in the first place.
Food for thought.
Thanks for reading!