Hey CCP, thanks for destroying emerging conduits profits

? No petitons

In all seriousness: I tried EC in duo with a corpmate this week-end for the first time, by curiosity and to be honnest, because he offered me to pay me the ship so he would have someone to play with xD

Turns out it is very profitable, took about ~1h30 to refund the value of the ship used, and then everything else was profit.

I didnā€™t do the old version of them, but their current state hardly seems like a ā€œmassacreā€ at all, they are fun to do (well, for now, maybe I could get bored if I do it too often), relatively easy especially if you play in group, and pay well enough to be clearly profitable to do.

Not sure whatā€™s your definition of a ā€œmassacreā€ā€¦


Anything less than the best solo income in the game. As thatā€™s about what they used to be. It was insane.


Only decent solo income activity in highsec too, it needs a replacement

Outside of the fact that they ARE decent right now (Like really they are literally the most profitable activity Iā€™ve ever tried, tho I do not do industry at all).

If I get it properly, you donā€™t only want it to be in highsec, it also have to be solo?

Honnestly I have a hard time understanding why you choose to play an online game while your desire to never interact with anything but an IA is so strong that even for PvE you donā€™t want to group-up.

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We could triple lv4 mission income and rat bountry as a replacement

That doesnā€™t answer to the question you quoted.

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Level 4 mission income is perfectly fine as it is. No increase is needed.


Level 4 mission income is perfectly fine as it is. No increase is needed.

It can use an increase

So tell me. What do you believe LVL 4 mission income is.

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dont touch my incursions!!! </3

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Iā€™d say what the burner mission is now, 12k lp with around 5-10m payment, scalable based on mission difficulty. Burner mission getā€™s double income, 20m with 20k lp.

We need 3 highsec spawns back @Anlions_V


Ok. So 30 Mil income or 60 Mil for a burner when you can chain multiple missions an hour, like at least 4 regular or 6 burner isnā€™t enough incomeā€¦
Like 120 Mil an hour for regular missions if you blitz, and you are sayingā€¦

Manā€¦ You are on some serious drugs to think that is balanced.


Blitzing is hard work, I got no problem with 240m an hour, especially with all the alts and stuff you need to do to get it right. Most lv4 runners are solo and do a mission at a time, it should be balanced for them, not the 1 person who has 300 alts who may ekk out 300m an hour and then burn out.

That is utter insanity. You do realize that this would have little impact on your actual purchasing power, right? That the market would very quickly correct for the increase in income, prices would go up, and youā€™d still be spending the same amount of time to buy something?

Blitzing is hard work

No it isnā€™t. In fact, the only reason blitzing is possible is that it isnā€™t hard work, that missions are so pathetically easy that you can mass farm them with no real chance of failure even when you fly a specialized glass cannon farming ship.

not the 1 person who has 300 alts who may ekk out 300m an hour and then burn out.

This is absolute insanity. As soon as you allow the potential for massive increases in income you guarantee that people will do it and break the economy. You have to balance for the worst-case scenarios, not for low-effort players.

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If anything full clears are harder work since you have to have better tank. Still not pretending they are ā€œhardā€. Hard pve you can find but itā€™s stuff like t5 abyss which needs good manual piloting if rng is mean on rooms.


Nope itā€™s called sink.

No it isnā€™t. In fact, the only reason blitzing is possible is that it isnā€™t hard work, that missions are so pathetically easy that you can mass farm them with no real chance of failure even when you fly a specialized glass cannon farming ship.

No it is hard work

This is absolute insanity. As soon as you allow the potential for massive increases in income you guarantee that people will do it and break the economy. You have to balance for the worst-case scenarios, not for low-effort players.

Nope, itā€™s called a sink

Also remember to stay on topic, discuss the fact that EC were severely nerfed, and many highsec players lost good income.

Hint. Increasing income is a faucet, not a sink.

If you try and balance it by increasing sinks then everyone else is nerfed.

So no, when one income source is out of balance you nerf the source, just like CCP correctly did with ECs.

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