as i said … its absolutley YOUR fault ! its not a toxic gameplay because you can easy avoid it
If you don’t know the danger, then you don’t know what to avoid, my dude. That’s the whole point. I’ve been away from game for 7 years. This functionality did not exist back in my day, so how should I know what to expect? The “warnings” that the game generates by default are all the same, and not very informative of the actual threat level. And if you run afoul of it by jumping a freighter into the wrong system, you lose MONTHs of work – and other players don’t even benefit from it! Explain to me how this ISN’T a toxic mechanic.
your a player whos active like minimum 10 years and you didnt noticed the triglavian invasion a few years ago ? you never noticed triglavian / edencom systems ? you never saw triglavian / edencom ships ?
where the hell you are hiding ? oO your old enough to know about eve online and that you always need to be informed !
i see kills of the last years so i dont believe its true ! still youre an old player and you need to know that you have to collect informations … always !
the warnings tell you about triglavians and edencoms ! i know this because i had to cancle the popup way to often … its was long time ago but still you get these warnings ! you decide to ignore them
if someone loses his ship to them in HS its the same answer i like i gave it to you : YOUR FAULT !
a lot of player benefit of triglavians and edecom´s xD
it cant be a toxic gameplay ! not if only lazy ppl get killed and everyone else can ignore / avoid them
All triglavian minor systems (link to EvE Uni so you can educate yourself and stop whining to daddy CCP) - (yes, they exist in high sec) have a warning popup when you try to use the gate -and preventing gate usage unless you click the accept button- warning you that the system is a minor held system and trigs could be sitting off the gate. And they will kill you.
You clicked “accept” knowing the risk. And if you didn’t read the warning, that’s your fault.
No, I did not “know the danger”. I saw a popup, sure – as I’ve seen countless other times for countless other reasons, and I have literally never been aggressed by NPCs after seeing those popups. In hi-sec or low-sec. So a popup such as this does NOT communicate “IF YOU JUMP YOU WILL BE DESTROYED”, it communicates, “there may be certain risks in this system that do not exist in other systems.” It’s VAGUE. Do you honestly think I would risk 5.6 billion ISK if I “knew the danger”? Please.
To all the people in this thread who apparently don’t understand the point of this post –
I am NOT saying someone ELSE is at fault for this loss. I am trying to communicate that from MY perspective, this level of danger in hi-sec is presently not well-communicated to the player. And the danger should either be mitigated, or the warnings made clearer. I can’t be the only person who has run afoul of this, and it ISN’T fun. If the feature is working as indended, then the intention is to screw players out of their hard work – and if that isn’t the intention, then it should be amended.
And a warning is just that. It warns you of a potential hazard.
You chose to ignore it because you became accustomed to seeing it, not understanding that there is a real possibility of an actual threat to your freighter.
Stop passing the buck, and take personal responsibility for your blasé attitude towards the real threats of new eden highsec.
so you saw a popup wich telss you " there is possible danger on the other side" and you just ignore it … and if you would have read the warning then you could have known it !
because youre not always getting destroyed ! they didnt sit there 24/7 … and still you ignore the warning and as i understand you didnt even read the warning !
yes because you did … CCP said “STOP READ OUR WARNING DONT IGNORE IT” and you still ignore it …
its only YOUR perspective because youre lazy ! you could have informed you after reading this warning and avoid this system !
no you arent … but oll others are also lazy ppl !
this feature was implementet to add more content ! and it adds more content !
As I’ve repeatedly stated, I’m not saying someone else is responsible for this loss. I’m stating that the EFFECT of this game mechanic is, from my point of view, entirely negative as implemented. If you like it, great – explain why. Stop making me wrong for talking about it.
It helps to actually read the comments you’re replying to, instead of just being a dick. I’ve addressed this point MANY times so far. A popup like the one provided is insufficient to communicate the level of danger.
Make the warning messages that pop up SIGNIFICANTLY different if the Drifters in the system beyond have been enraged. As it stands, the warning message that pops up at gates is virtually the same regardless of which faction or “danger” lurks on the other side. You get similar warnings for jumping to low-sec, or jumping into an EDENCON secured system, etc. If you don’t already know the danger posed by Drifters, it is currently too easy to just click through this warning and jump anyway. If the warning was blood-red and terrifying, it might convey a bit more of the actual danger you might be jumping into, affording players a real choice in the matter.
To a certain extent, yes. The warnings are almost identical to one another, and if you’ve encountered any of those other warnings, and jumped through anyway, you don’t get attacked. I’ve flown through countless EDENCOM systems, and there’s been no noticeable difference aside from passive bonuses. Similarly, I’ve flown through systems “owned” by other factions, and never been aggressed. It is reasonable to assume the same would be true with Triglavians, because the warnings are so damned similar to every other faction!