During the first 5 minutes of the 2015 Fanfest, CCP Rise asked some questions leading into the topic of Suicide Ganking and new players with some statistics of a survey:
Checked 80,000 different users
Checked them for deaths in first 15 days
Checked their killers for deaths by Concord
Grouped them into Illegally killed, legally killed and not killed
Checked retention rate of each group
Group stats for first 15 days:
Not killed = 85.5%
Legally killed (WarDec, Duel, Faction War) = 13.5%
Illegally killed (Suicide Ganked) = 1%
He then said the retention rate for those groups were that players who died in their first 15 days are more likely to stay playing whereas players who didn’t die in their first 15 days are more likely to quit. He then added that less then 1% of account cancelations cited ship loss / harassment as reason for leaving.
Basically he made it seem like Suicide Ganking increases player retention. For years after that, the forum PvP/Ganker crowd has posted that presentation as fact.
However that presentation actually misrepresents and portrays stats incorrectly. Instead of the first 15 days, the study should have been the first 30 days which is the duration time for Rookie Chat in-game. Also he conveniently left out the stats for total amount of canceled accounts from the 80,000 and the amount of canceled accounts that actually submitted a reason for leaving. Could have also shown the percentage amount of cancelations for each of the 3 groups.
Anyway, years later after CCP Rise’s NPE presentation farce, CCP Hilmar actually stated facts and reasons for poor performance / new player retention in the 2019 Eve Down Under World Tour - Beyond The Friendship Machine.
The section pertaining to retention starts at 37:07 but the main point he cites is at 42:50 when a new player loses their ship for the first time, that’s ‘The Magic Moment’ of when they decide to stay or quit the game. If the player belongs to a Social group within the game, they are more inclined to stay after a devastating ship loss due to that group providing support in understanding why it happened, helping them to get back on their feet and lastly, to get revenge.
The key word in that statement is revenge. That study doesn’t pertain to Duel’s, War Dec’s, Faction Warfare or Day Tripping into Low, Null or W-Hole space. It is centered on new players with less than a week in the game who don’t belong to a Social group and are still primarily located in High Sec. Since the key word is revenge, that implies their devastating ship loss was due to non-consensual PvP.