No you don’t. That’s just one of several times in this thread that you’ve attempted, or actually dismissed evidence presented, where it is counter to your entrenched view.
No you don’t. That’s just one of several times in this thread that you’ve attempted, or actually dismissed evidence presented, where it is counter to your entrenched view.
Yes I do.
Show me the evidence.
No, evidence I don’t dismiss.
Salty posts from people typing words in the forums… that might be a different matter.
I wonder what has happened to Scipio, he was a better forum poster than this.
Edit: emphasis mine.
“I wonder wonder… wonder wonder…”
Frank Zappa’s backing singers deserve more credit than they have gotten…
The futility of posting in a monster thread, that noone (other than the same 5 people who won’t let it die) will ever read… has probably taken its toll.
I get frustrated by people that lie openly.
Being ignorant and open to admitting that is ok. Everyone deserves help, when they are open to it and happy to admit they don’t have the skills, knowledge, time, etc. to do the work, or have expressed a view poorly and change based on feedback.
But people like the OP that just remain closed-minded and lie don’t deserve any respect at all.
I’ve wondered the same thing about you too over the last couple of years Drac (ie. the part in your post, not what I’ve just written above because I don’t think you are a liar at all. You are pretty honest). I think we often sit on opposite sides of discussions (but not because I am “ganker aligned” - I’m not. I’m risk aligned and that often happens to align more with the ganker side of many threads, but I’m no more ganker aligned than I am aligned to anything else. Each argument on it’s merits, no matter who is posting it), but over the last couple of years you seemed to have moved more to one direction, so yeah I have you blocked, but not because I necessarily don’t respect you, just that threads often descend into chaos when you post and others counter post and I’m just not interested in that anymore.
I do not remain closed-minded and lie.
My experience shows otherwise and based on my experience, that’s my conclusion.
That’s your approach to ganking success, so hey, if the show fits, I’ll wear it.
Erm… well nowhere have I lied and been closed minded.
Actually in this thread I have been more open minded than ever.
No it is not.
Sure. But what would you give to hisec beside making hisec dwellers look silly?
What do hi sec dwellers want?
“Looking Silly” is what hisec dwellers can do by themselves… they dont need me for that!
So for all the person following this thread, I am going to be going to bed soon.
This is the chance for all the people that are waiting to post here, whilst I cannot respond, to do so!
If I am lucky, the thread might get closed before it gets out of control! (I cannot believe I said that!)
I liked your post because this is the type of discussions that we had before.
I don’t think that Lorelei lerendi is lying, I think like many people myself included in that number are open to the discussion and point of view of the other side to speak, but I can say that for myself I understand risk very well, it was part of my professional life for many years and I have been gaming for just as long.
I think that one of the examples is the discussion we just had about structures in hisec, where I got to understand what Lorelei meant in terms of hisec structures, at the top level it certainly was not my point of view, but when I asked and pushed for clarification I got my understanding of his point of view and found my common ground and where I disagreed.
Please go back to how you were with Lorelei, it is better that way. I only reacted to this thread because I saw the typical Eve forum gang up and I thought it unfair, but in doing so I made it worse. I tried to pull it away but that did not work, anyway…, the threads descend into chaos when I post because certain people made sure to create that chaos, but the block ability finally being in the forums has ended that, because all they had to offer me was insults and stupid forum psycho analysis that proves their ignorance even more, and once they just kept doing that the time for blocking had arrived.
I can tell you that I have taken their point of view on board, because I do understand that what makes this game interesting is conflict, I do listen and understand the others point of view, but it is necessary to listen to a whole load of bitterness and fluff in doing so. Take my stance on bumping, recently I have tried to go along the line of adjusting freighters to have more options like the Bowhead has so that we can try the warp outs and thus make it slightly harder for the bumpers and offer a possible way out for solo players. I would hardly do that if I was just close minded to the other side. If only they could give me the same type of respect.
On that particular issue, the mere fact that a Macherial is sitting on a gate means that many players are blocked and terrorised. Their only option is to dock up and log, I don’t like that. I do not think that there being no counter for solo players in terms of getting out of the bump unacceptable at the point of fitting choices. This is the point of view I have now developed to so as to try to keep the gameplay in there. And what I would like CCP to do is enable freighters and JF’s to fit a BS MWD. Give them one mid and the ability to fit it. And lets see if that changes things without doing anything else.
But I would ask you something important, the CSM is supposed to be representatives of the players, and when I look at the CSM I saw no one there putting forward the views of the more casual less aggressive and defence minded players, but many people there putting forward the views of the more aggressive players. Do you think that the block of more casual less aggressive players should have someone to give their point of view, even if it is wrong for what the other group of players think.
You could say that Steve Ronuken is there for that, I had my doubts in terms of my previous interactions with him, but in his CSM thread he responded in a way that was sitting on the fence in backing what had been suggested but not implemented, it was still something that improved the situation.
I have largely given up now with many of the extreme posters, you aren’t one of them, but I don’t think you need to resort to insults and name calling, because you can put forth your point of view very well and people like me at least take on board your point of view when you post your view in a clear and direct way without the fluff of bitterness. We all need to be educated no matter how much we know because this game is complex and the interactions of people are complicated.
The fact that people are now not bothering to fit Athanors and Raitaru with any defences if they know what they are doing is important. There is no point, the only one we stuck defences on was the Astrahus with a clone bay.
I had a look at the Astrahus that PIRAT are using as a war dec HQ it is set for neuts and ECM, force multiplier indeed. But for small entities I lose a PvP character to man it so in fact it does not work, though in pure DPS I double that characters DPS, but it is dependent on a number of things. I think that Citadels perhaps should have remote repping abilities too which might shake things up a bit. And I wish we had better weapons for hisec structures because the current application is naff.
I have registered this thread for closing, and received confirmation that it will get closed when they get round to it.
This is actually the main point of my campaign.
Sadly the block of players that I most “represent” is the one that is probably least interested in CSM or anything. But that is what it is.
At least when they (individuals, sporadic) find the forums, they cannot complain that noone was trying to represent their demographic.
Why bother using the weapons? They are awful.
And ironically the people least likely to vote are the people who spend the most time on Eve.
Not everything is about nullsec, as we all know.
STOP being so self-absorbed. This discussion ended weeks ago dude. You are clearly a troll.