High Sec Gankers - Luxurious Targets Await

Your ships are too short? :thinking:


It’s funny how RIOT are camping targets at the gate just like we camped gankers, one of there members even said camping in your crappy slashers how pathetic, and now they are doing the same.


Not really the same.

They do not rely for NPCs to kill their target. They kill it themselves without NPCs help.

Opposed to you, -NEPF, who are using super cheap Slashers with 0 dps with only single purpose - to stop warp of an outlaw player ship and then watch how NPCs kill it while you claim the kill mail and often dying in the process along with the criminal.

The difference is that if NPCs didn’t help you, you would be unable to get that kill. And that is why many are mocking your methods.

Same for us I’m talking about our kill right hunting , sometimes faction police would help, but if we was fast they did little damage

The RIOT slasher was the same fit as ours, they are tacklers, other dps ships made the kill. I did get the facts before writing here you know, unlike some.

But the point was not the killing technique but the hypocrisy around what group does what.

Only one group mocks us, your no better than salty miners if not worse.

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It’s just part of the banter of the game and community. Don’t take it seriously.

If I peeled apples and you peeled apples, then I’d be doing it like a God and you’d be doing it like a scrub.

It’s the way of the World.

I (anyone, not me personally) v You (anyone else, not you personally) am always better.


Oh I know, i enjoy banter, I’m having fun, i did wonder who would take the bait and l wasn’t surprised

I was speaking globally based on informations provided in this thread and on my knowledge of ganking groups as I am member of one. Personally I do not have a problem with your doctrine nor strategy.

No crap, they slap!
TD Slashers are very nice, as are the dual reppers. Don’t you dare tarnish the name of the must underrated combat-specialized frigate in FW. Death to Slicers.

Oh i know, they are the best T1 tackler, they are cheap and alpha friendly.

We train our new players on them or people new to pvp, in fact one of our training exercises is to fly un armed slashers into low sec looking for pirates, the aim is to warp in tackle and get out and nothing else.

I was surprised how much fun that was. obviously if you are a slave to your kill board it might not be for you

Interesting. Which specific pirates interest you? I have a list of them I have been keep watch on for the last year or so. :slight_smile:

Any new groups really, like the group of abyssal killers called something about ponytails, now i wonder who’s ponytail they referred to.

We are going to get a lot of these short lived groups pop up two ive seen close to jita

Thats a hard one

Now Githany , bow down before your Princess.

Come on Githany, stop hitting the bong and try to think.

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First of all, I expect BF to jump in this post and try to be salty. So please do so. It will only mean I’ve got your attention.

Second. This post is intended to raise the awareness regarding Black Flag gankers especially in Jita. This post will not be about moaning, but simply to instill awareness.

For all the alliances/corps that are or will be in war with BF, you need to know the following: If you fly anything bigger than a cheap cruiser IN or OUT of Jita 4-4, you will lose it in a few seconds.

If you like to admit it or not, Hisec mercs are doing more isk damage in or around 4-4, than the majority of null sec alliances COMBINED !

Their strategy is quite simple. Neutral eyes everywhere around Jita, because that system is the honey hive.

BF has non-stop neutral eyes on 4-4 and on all the gates around it. They are keeping the station clear, so players will think it’s safe to leave 4-4 in some big expensive ship. They are staying off-grid. That means, if you are using an alt to scout ahead, if won’t help much. If they are on local, they are waiting for you to land on gate and intercept you immediately after you jump, thinking that the gate is clear !

They are extremely well organized and do not think that mounting stabs will help you. They have all the counter ships needed to catch any war target.

So remember, if you are part of an alliance or corp that is in war with BF, if you think you will leave or enter jita in a big ships without getting owned, then you will fail at this game.

BLACKFLAG. | Alliance | zKillboard . Have a look on their kb to check their activity before going into high sec from null.

Tell me you lost a ship to Blackflag without telling me you lost a ship to Blackflag.

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Actually I never lost a ship to them because I was never in war with. I actually appreciate their style. I’m just doing this for the lulz.

Sure you are.

Everyone knows wardeccers camp trade hubs. It’s been a standard practice since before Jita was even a trade hub.

Posting like captain obvious isn’t “for the lulz”.

Considering their 10+bil isk in kills daily around Jita, apparently your are one of the few ‘‘captain obvious’’. Welcome aboard.