High Sec Isk per Hour

I’ve been taking a closer look at what constitutes my average monthly income for the past 3 months and it turns out that out of 7 bil monthly almost 50% are c-type pithum invulns, 8 of them, they seem to drop at 10-15% chance from Gurista 4/10s (5 minutes blitz), so it really is the question of numbers how many of the sites you can find.

Another 15% were implants from Faction rats, mostly from Watches (2 minutes blitz) and Vigils (15 minutes) also Hideaways/Refuges/Dens.

Yet another 15% Shattered Villard Wheels from Lesser Covert ‘Ghost’ sites. The only Data site worth doing in highsec, its always Data level III btw. 20-70 mil per site.

10% for Drone Capillary smthn, 10% various ded and faction mods.