High Sec issues I have heard, from both new & old

Yes they can be. Of course. However doing so requires more gank ships,because the sentry guns engage immediately.

So bumping out of sentry gun range reduces the number of catalysts required by a couple.

So before you talk a load of ■■■■■■■■, get a clue.

Yes, the gank ship used changes the number of characters needed, and it’s easy to pull out individual situations that differ from the norm.

However, her are some recent stats:

Average of 27 ships in the gank fleet (range of 12-39), and if the gank fleet is catalysts, the size of the fleet needed, to overcome the huge tank Freighters can achieve, is large.

Best thing is tank a freighter, use a webbing alt and don’t overload the cargo with value.

Nothing rubbish about it.

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