High Sec Logistics Mechanic Adjustment Request/Suggestion

LOL, no it hasn’t.

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EVE needs more PvP content. Restrictions and nerfs which limit PvP, or reduce the incentive to engage in PvP, these cause the game to become increasingly stagnant and less interesting for everyone. A safe game is a boring game.

Boredom is the #1 reason people quit EVE.

Most new players, stuck in Highsec, have no idea how to engage in PvP, because there are few options available other than leaving Highsec. CCP needs to undo nerfs to Highsec PvP, so new players can enjoy more exciting content.

Suspect baiting is legitimate skilled gameplay, and there should be an avenue for baiters to work as a fleet, rather than limiting them to solo play. If neutral logi are removed, then something else should be introduced, giving them an incentive to continue working as a group. I see no reason why neutral logi is ‘over-powering’, and the mechanic rewards teamplay and preparation. Why remove it?

The obvious counter to neutral logi is to bring your own fleet. It’s not that hard to figure out. Players should be encouraged to form fleets and work together, instead of relying upon artificial game mechanics for protection.


It is beyond absurd to claim that suspect baiters attack people who have “little to no chance to defend themselves”. In every case, the baiter is the one who is attacked, and the so-called ‘victim’ made a deliberate decision to initiate aggression against someone they intend to kill. The defender, the suspect baiter, should be allowed to benefit from logi support.

I don’t think exaggerated rhetoric is appropriate. Surely, a member of the CSM knows how to use Killboard, and can verify that suspect baiters do lose ships? If you aren’t familiar with the suspect baiting community, how can you have an informed opinion?

In fact, I killed hellokittyonline’s main, because I wasn’t sure who it was. The lack of meaningful teamplay for suspect baiters results in forced isolation from other players. It is very easy for gankers to kill suspect baiters, and we could utterly destroy them all, if we wanted to. They are exposed and vulnerable, open to attack from anyone. Although I personally think logi ‘healer’ ships are carebear nonsense, so long as they remain in the game, suspect baiters should be allowed to benefit from them.

I am someone who hunts and kills suspect ships, and even I think they deserve logi support. Players should be rewarded for teamplay and group effort, and I see no viable means by which a group of suspect baiters can effectively defend themselves against me or any group which intends to hunt them down.

That is because what they are doing is difficult, and not overpowered.

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Attacking does not mean you have the advantage. It’s a hustle.

I did use zkill on that guy’s character he was posting from, and it was a ganker alt apparently, and 99% of his deaths were to CONCORD. If people would post on their mains this wouldn’t be an issue, but apparently I’m the only one who does that here.

You have like 2 deaths to other players on your killboard, too. I guess this is an alt.

Yet you expect me to?

And even with logi support, they won’t be able to take you guys on because you aren’t looking for good fights. You’re looking for kills and looting, as hellokittyonline made clear.

Because what they’re doing is extremely niche gameplay, and not really worth a lot of development time.

Brisc, I think you should argue less, and think more.

This is just nonsense. Do you even play EVE?

More nonsense. Carebears asked CCP to dedicate development time to nerfing neutral logi. We are merely asking that the nerf be undone. Nobody is asking for more than that.


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Honestly, what’s wrong with you?

Seriously, do you even play EVE?

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Baiters are big bad bullies, baiting battleships with a Nergal, but meanwhile Brisc drops a Nergal and 50 assault frigates on a procurer - and that’s cool, right?

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No, I’ve never played this game.

You guys are cute.

No, seriously Brisc.

What are you talking about mate? Do you know how Killboard even works?

What’s the deal here? Can you explain your comment?

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Totally cool.

You play the game your way, I play the game mine. There are a hundred thousand people who play the game the way I do. We’re the ones folks are writing news stories about, we’re the ones that end up in CCP marketing.

If you don’t like that, more power to you. But don’t pretend that what you do is somehow better. It’s just different.

Calm down miner.

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So you don’t actually know how zkillboard works. Gotcha.

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LOL, I don’t mine.

Nope, no idea.

Here’s a tip. There are advanced search options.

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My point stands - you’re not out there fighting against other players who stand even a remote chance of fighting back. This isn’t your playstyle. That’s fine. It’s not Hellokitty’s either. But I’m not going to spend any time or energy advocating for changes to the game that will only make it easier for you guys to do what you already do. I hear enough from the people who don’t like what you do, and I am not going to suggest the changes they want either.

Enjoy your ganking. It can be fun. I’ve done it, too.

That’s nonsense Brisc. Baiters and Gankers are fighting people who DO have a chance of fighting back. Unlike you, we aren’t dropping three nergals and dozens of assault frigates on a barge which doesn’t even have CONCORD protection.

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It’s not nonsense. You guys never lose. How many times can you honestly say you took a fight that you weren’t 100% sure you would win? I do that all the time. You don’t. It’s not the gankers mindset.

But feel free to keep linking the lone procurer we randomly ran into on a Saturday night fun fleet while ignoring the hundreds of other ships and structures I’ve killed in fleets where we’ve been outnumbered 3-1 or better.

I’m not the one suggesting that what I do is somehow better or harder than what you do.

Bro. I appreciate the compliment, but it’s nonsense. I’m not that good.

Nearly everytime, lol. Why don’t you come gank with us and learn about it?

I usually don’t even know that I’ll be able to kill a Venture before I’m killed by CONCORD, faction police, antigankers, other miners, and the Venture itself.

TIP: You can search killboard!