I was aware that it’s in low-sec, and was fully-prepared to venture out of high-sec to give this a try at some point in the not-too-distant-future.
It’s really hard to lose standing with them. Besieged Covert Research Facilities are about the only way you can regularly end up shooting them to lose standing with them. So doing the odd mission of theirs that gets offered in regular missions has a real impact.
Nullsec. 5ZXX-K.
There’s a player corp that lives there that focuses on running them. Look into joining up with them if you want to do this.
Doing this isn’t that scary. Once you’re in the site you just have to keep an eye out for combat probes and you’re relatively safe.
CCP destroyed missions when they made standings impossible to seesaw standings back and forth. Instead of trying to make a better product, they destroyed the product to try, again, to get you to move your ass to Null. There is no Hisec person they aren’t willing to sacrifice to Null.
Honestly I don’t understand this complaint. I’ve lived in null on and off in a few different blocs and I’ve always lived partially out of highsec, jumping back and forth, running missions when the null isk wasn’t rolling in. More recently, my standings developed into running missions in null where the LP is lucrative. I don’t think there’s much of a contest between null and highsec as you seem to be thinking.
I can do lvl 5 missions in a marsuddr with ease
i don’t quite understand what point they were making… especially considering all me and my group does is run missions for standings.
You can definitely make more running missions in null and low. Low is probably the highest risk unless you don’t have a blue umbrella in null.
Having done this for a long-time, I don’t think there’s been a tremendous amount of missioning nerfs in high-sec. We did get burners and SoE. Some new solo content would be welcomed.
Doesnt really need a revamp as such what it needs is additional content for veteran players; a new set of mission agents that are high risk/reward and not just shoot this shoot that (thinking outside the box but different perspective missions for low level planetary recon (fps view might be nice to use for a change, top down bomb runs, rescue missions, and yes… new burners probably not as hard as but along the same lines [basically i hate having to use specific setups to run one specific mission… its… not fun…] i could write a long list here…) , new probe sites (tbh i think they need a bunch of this everywhere… wtaf are all the sisters of eve in space agents???)
New cosmos missions in or around hs cosmos areas maybe for a new or existing upcomming factions…
Basically were still here, were old, weve been playing since 2007 or some such and whilst we do other stuff sometimes its just nice to chill with lore based content thats a continuation of the older stuff… arvues token anyone?
Oh and pvp stuff too… the amount of time ive spent in low and null trying to find people to fight is meh… and i see no real reason why there shouldnt be any in hs not related to hubcamping wardecs tbh… or ganking… i mean im fine with it mostly just not my style of fun
Yes, that’s what I’ve been saying - just more content. Pretty sure if CCP can adjust existing missions (replacing asteroids, etc.) they can add new ones.
Burner battleship and Abysssl battleship features would be great.
While I agree, abyssal battleship doesn’t really need to be a High Sec thing, that can happen anywhere.
As far as High Sec content, other than missions, and combat anomaly options, I can also agree with most of the other comments. New lore or expanded lore options for old lore would be great. The only problem is power creep. You want new high sec options for veteran players, but they already solo level 5 missions in Marauders. What is the next step? Level 6 missions are not going to solve that. Prices keep increasing to the point that people are scared about the amount of isk they have on the field.
I say what high sec needs are more opportunities for T1 ship uses and lower skill level players to utilize and learn those mechanics. There are so many options of lore opportunity scattered around that they could pick anything and expand. However, I understand the yelling from the bittervet bros; tired of spinning their isktar, and tired of the same old dread ratting in sovnul. Well come to high sec, where we have none of that. Maybe you can kill those Dodixie campers for sport?
There is definitely a disconnect between veteran players and the opportunities already available in high sec. Most of the arguments come down to isk/hr instead of fun/hr. Which do you prefer?
I think this is so weird. Eve online is a crazy good game but nothing new for PVE players for ages. I love the game but dont like the pvp part. It crazy hard to get into pvp as a new player and scare many new players away from this content. I personally dont care about making the biggest isk content that is not what this game is abount in my opinion, its not a job. I just wanna fly missions, campaings etc. Cant figure out why they dont put more effort in making content for PVE players. This would be the best way to keep the game going and introducing new players to the game in my opinion.
There are heaps of things to do in Highsec. It might be that you’ve simply exhausted the ones which interest you. Time to try something different or even take a break.
So, you’re a mission-runner and a ‘campaigner’ (I don’t know what you mean by ‘Campaigns’). Missions themselves haven’t changed much in the time I’ve been playing the game, but content has been added (Burner Missions, etc.) which mixes things up a bit.
Because of its predictable nature, mission-running in EVE is quickly assimilated, gorged upon and digested. I’d like to see some procedural changes introduced, but for me it isn’t really a high priority.
You just sound a bit weary of it all, which I do understand.
High sec has plenty of new content. It’s been getting new stuff with every expansion. Revenant brought more Mutaplasmid loot. Equinox brought 3 man homefronts, and new officer rats.
The only mutaplasmid “loot” is the unobtanium unstable glorified mutaplasmid blueprints (the decayed and gravid mutaplasmid blueprints are practically worthless). And if by “more” you mean “less chance than capital drops”, then sure - there’s more…
Low-sec and null-sec also got officer rats (so nothing special there).
Not true i have a paladin that can solo all lvl5 missions…
Highsec got a bunch of new content, which is awesome, but the dynamics have been pretty stale for years. Everyone just hangs around Jita, and there’s POCO spam from like 3 alliances. Plus, people farm their spots they live and that’s about it.
If you’re in the militia, it makes no sense that the faction police and navy are after you. At least cut some slack for militia members if they’re flying in their own empire space, don’t make police and navy come after me in my own empire. The only challenge would be making this happen without being something just to be exploited by gankers… maybe depending on my militia rank then I could have this and this benefits, sounds good?
No disagreement here, but there was scant mention of anything new in the directors video - so it’s highly unlikely we’ll see anything beyond an event or two in high-sec.
We most likely won’t know more until FanFest in May.
Everything will get ‘bored’ tag if you pump it. I used to crab in nullsec with carrier years ago - that was the top boredom I ever had. 2b carrier and you dreamed of Hel for 30b. Now hel is about 80b (120mil/h lol). In hs it’s not the boredom (need to press v:)), the more annoying is you fly marauder and still you need 10-15min to complete crappy site or decline and fight with crappy standings. Enemies abound work at the beginning, then you decline for standings. No idea what’s the idea behind this one mission. If enemis abound don’t drop standings 1b a day is not a problem.
You can do deds, mostly 4/10. Lately I tried - so much grind with auto-orthrus and one day you get 3xpithum for 400m each. Low rng is boring. I won’t even mention rift fishing, made for noobs who lack isk and can print it if they read journal. Just note that L4 haven’t changed for ages and still it can afford plex if you grind, but it won’t cover the loss due to ganking though
By spending the same time in null for exploration (72mil sp char+) with all that relic rng (scanning takes long time overall) i would get similar isk results from L4 when grinding l4 with marauder. It’s not about boredom in grind or whatever - the problem is you feel you can try pvp but suddenly you meet 50cocks at lowsec/nullsec gatecamp giving you no area for solo play. CCP wants ships to evaporate constantly so it moves economy and they love to put you into team-■■■■ when you prefer solo, but they don’t care, because they need $
Anyway, L4 is for relax and some stable isk print. For top L4 runners low-income missions are annoying and useless. They could get rid of frigates so at least “sometimes” i hadn’t to change ammo type to “precision”, cause properly made golem eats everything in l4.
Maybe would be cool starting a PvE war?
You anchor something and then you are in the war against a certain faction and this faction will even gatecamp your corp on highsec and you can have some sites just like escalations, maybe even hunt your corp members just like drifters follow you around, npcs could bash your structure and you could bash theirs
gg, thanks