High Sec Thief - counter an Enyo

I was running a Lv 4 in a CNR with Mj cruise missiles fitted as it was the mining drone mission. I have D-scan up and watch local for potential issues - like a bunch of red dots (obvious stuff). I was in the second / last pocket of the mission when I had an Enyo come up on D scan. The mission was basically done and I was cleaning up the last of the drones so I could micro warp back to my MTU which was about 230km away. I’ve got max range on the cruise missiles so I pretty much kite NPCs from over 100km. I didn’t know what else was coming through and so warped to a moon. Once I was docked, I checked Killboard and the player has more kills on MTUs than players and they all look to be solo kills; ships kills are on T1 ships and pods. Additionally, most of their kills are in a few systems so I can check local when missions come up in those systems. I have two questions: could I have successfully engaged this player in the CNR with Mj missiles. I also had Warrior II and Acolyte II drones. If not, is there a good Caldari / missile counter to an Enyo? I was thinking maybe a Caracal below. Thanks much in advance - I just want to be prepared next time it happens.

[Caracal, Caracal]
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Damage Control II

Compact Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener
Warp Disruptor II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
10MN Afterburner II

Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II

Medium Core Defense Field Extender II
Medium Core Defense Field Extender II
Medium Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer II

Hobgoblin I x2
Scourge Fury Light Missile x1265

I used to engage in MTU killing and suspect baiting quite some time ago, so I’ll answer from the perspective of someone coming into your mission/site looking for a fight.

Yes, your Naven would have been killed, at best you might have forced a stalemate if your tank was hefty enough (although my experience is that this is unlikely for most shield-tanked mission battleships). The enyo would have speed/sig tanked your missiles and killed off the drones if they were irritating enough.

If I’m invading someones mission, then I’m pretty confident that I can defeat them, usually through reduction of applied damage by speed/sig tanking, but he’ll also likely have a high quality fit, implants and maybe a friend with links if things are looking tight. (My take on the situation is to use a cruiser (Maller in my case) with a hefty tank and get quickly into a tight orbit. Killed multiple Navens with this, an Enyo can reduce damage further, but is less likely to be engaged)

Now, as for countering, you can do it but I recommend a HARD counter. That Caracal will give the Enyo a reasonably fair fight, he can also probably disengage if things go south, leveraging his superior mobility. To turn this into an unfair fight I’d use a ship with kinetic/thermal resistance boosted as high as you can get it (the enyo is damage locked to kin/therm), web and scram to prevent him from disengaging easily and a neut or two to break his tank. The Enyo in particular has quite a significant explosive resist hole, while it resists kinetic/thermal significantly. (I used a fleet phoon to bait an MTU-killing Diemos using this strategy)

Bear in mind, that he COULD very well come back in a better-equiped ship once you either kill him or he escapes. If the limited engagement is still running, he can simply engage you with this.

Best of luck


Ok - thanks much for the reply. I’ll do some more research on a hard counter for an Enyo.

Hisec? Baiting commences. gl

For the record I don’t play in hi sec so Im not sure about some of the mechanics.
BUT if I wa sin this situation I would consider refitting for PVP.

In theory if you recognise the guy, only had a couple rats left, drop an MTU andcould he not have re-fit to a pvp fit ? heavy Neut in the high+2xgrapples+scram int he mid

The warrior 2’s eat him? If you neut+web him him out he aint shooting you with blasters or speed tanking nothing is all im sayin…

Sounds like a free enyo kill.

I assume he has to scan you down first with probes right ?

I think he scanned down the MTU because I dropped it right after I dropped out the gate. Therefore, it had been up for a while as there were a couple of waves of rats. I was kiting with a MWD and so I was over 200km from the MTU. When he came up on my D-scan, he was 231km away. The minute I saw him on Dscan, I decided not to wait and see if he had any friends. Thankfully, the mission is marked complete when you got through the second gate - I lost the MTU, salvage and loot - a lot less than my CNR.

I’m no longer dropping the MTU at the start of the mission or pocket but at the end. It will make the missions longer but I can scoop up the loot and MTU as soon as someone invades the mission. If someone does pop in and there’s a lot of loot to still collect, I can warp out and get a PVP fitted ship to hopefully make them pay a price for their thievery. Additionally, I may need to that anyway to finish the mission.

Sorry I meant drop a mobile depot as soon as you see him in local or see combat probes on d scan

Heavy neuts will turn the situation to your favor.

Scram and grappler ftw.

Good thread! Looks like I found a next project.

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the problem, imo, is that, if a pvp ship comes to engage a pve ship, it is because the first pilot thinks/knows he will win the fight (due to fit or friends or…). So i would not engage the pvp ship with my pve bs, and i would rather warp out. Except if i am rich, and want to do it for the fun/the challenge, of course

But you can refit for pvp, or bring friends and bait him etc

Be sure to report the end results if turns out in your favor. :wink:

Sure, but first I have to decide which side to pick for the first round. :wink: But nevertheless some Pyfa-sessions are needed.

I was thinking about the following as a counter or possibly using my LP to purchase a DNI and use a similar fit.

[Drake, Solo PvP HAM Buffer]

Damage Control II
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II

Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
X5 Enduring Stasis Webifier
Warp Scrambler II
Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener II
50MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive

Small Energy Neutralizer II
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Nova Rage Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Nova Rage Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Nova Rage Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Nova Rage Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Nova Rage Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Nova Rage Heavy Assault Missile

Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I

Warrior II x5

Don’t underestimate a blingy Enyo, plus sig reduction implants and all kind of drugs. The Enyo has a scram and AB + web, and likely a small nos. You will be a sitting duck in that ship (MWD shut off) while your missiles don’t apply even with one web.

If it goes south for him, he will just burn out of scram range and leave. Minimum is double web, AB, warp disruptor, 2 medium neuts stacked… and of course application of your DPS. So you can kill him fast enough before your tank runs out. Also you only need tank against therm/kin. Fit a command burst on your Drake with shield harmonization (probably best). Haven’t used Pyfa yet.

If you want to give it a try, hit me up, when I’m online I can come as backup (900 DPS Hecate or some Trig ship). You trap and hold, I bring the DPS.

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