Could someone explain for me exactly what the “highest available” dropdown option for the level filter in The Agency means? They tried on Rookie Help chat but I still couldn’t grok it .
I thought it meant for a given faction and/or corp, in a given range of systems, it would show all agents at the highest level my effective standing would allow - so, say, all level 3 Astral Mining corp agents (but not levels 1 or 2) if I had high enough standing. But when I broadened it to say, for example, all systems, or all corps in a faction, etc. it didn’t seem like my choices changed the same way.
Halfway through writing this I realized part of the problem may be the following - does the agency only show 12 agents max no matter what the criteria? That would explain why broadening the search criteria didn’t seem to give the results I expected. If that’s the case, how does the agency decide which 12 to choose?
And if not, I clearly am still not getting something about what “highest available” means …