Highsec Incursions

Do people still run these and if so any good groups? I used to run TVP but every time I join their channel now its pretty much dead. Also curious if incursions are still worth it considering the isk that can be made from running tier 5 abyssal sites.

yes they are still being run. yes they are still good isk, probably safer and its stead isk, not rng from my understanding. im trying to get back into them.

TVP is dead.

WTM is still alive, i think. You could try there.

Problem is, eve is dying. Or dead. We could never figure out if its already dead or just dying. But a great way to determine which group is still standing, is to fly over to an incursion system and ask.

I think the russians are still running their incursion ring. Cause, you know, theyre russians.

Problem is, eve is dying. Or dead. We could never figure out if its already dead or just dying.

Neither. We’ve all gone out and joined Goons.

Makes sense. We are the premier isk printing service after all.

W2m is still running almost all the time.

Yup. There are another anti Incursion groups in hi-sec nowadays. Keep searching. Be ready to wait for hours and hours until you’ll be accepted there. Some of them are closed to strangers, because they doing that with their corp/alliance members only.

You’ll be surprised, but there are few groups which doing Incursions in low-sec on permament basis even.

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