Highsec Lobby Channel


In one sentence, you state that your opinion is that the linked thread should not be included as part of the channels goals.

In another sentence, you start talking about the “actually stated goals of the actual channel”.

So in other words, it is your opinion that the thread is not part of the channels goals, and based on that opinion, you consider it a fact that the the stated goals of the thread is everything but the linked thread.

Yeah, no.

What, so you want him to directly say “We want more rewards with no risk”? Are you an idiot?

When a bank robber comes to your bank and puts a gun to your head and says “Put the money in the bag right now!”, and later the police come and question you about the robbing, are you going to say “Well, it wasnt a robbery, because he didnt actually say he was robbing us, he just wanted me to put money into the bag”?

Funny, you dont actually address the quotes i brought up. You just dismissed them as “nope”.

Yeah, no, look at my killboard. But nice Red Herring there.

Dont you mean “Safer”?

Ill address the rest on the second post since that encompasses a lot more.

No, you dont. Even when you compare on Zkillboard the people being ganked, and the people dying in ratting capitals, its on par with each other. And thats just capitals. The stats say it all, and it says that more than 90% of the people being ganked are in 0.5, 0.6 with few in 0.7, 0.8, and even less in 0.9, 1.0.

Further compounding this, is that everything in hisec can be done on the local level. You only need to keep an eye out on your own direct surroundings. People in local arent necessarily your enemies, so you just need to keep an eye out on the overview to see if anyone warps in.

Whereas, with nullsec, you need to rely outside of local, especially if theres even a single cloaky camper in your system. All of that requires external help from other people, other players, actively at their keyboard providing intel in order to work.

This is only true in very remote sections of nullsec where there is minimal to zero activity to begin with. In other words, you cant be very profitable and cant be very active lest you attract attention, which is why Delve is so popular and constantly Cloaky-camped and targetted by fleets.

With hisec, it doesnt matter how popular your system is, gankers dont target based on popularity of a system, only with how many targets can be killed with relative ease.

In other words, in nullsec, the most prosperous regions are also the most hazard-wrought. The “Reward imbalance” seems to be a lot more balanced in nullsec than it does in hisec.

No it isnt.

Being AFK in hisec, and being at your keyboard, but stalling, or moving your ship to mitigate damage, and waiting out for concord to arrive, are two different things.

You basically just need to find a way to survive for 20 seconds in hisec, in order to survive. This can be done by orbitting to mitigate damage, having even a single rep on you, etc etc.

Im talking about an attacking fleet that wants to kill a ratting ship.

With hisec, you will always have a chance to see the entire fleet comp coming towards you, flying from system to system to reach you.

In Nullsec, thanks to bridges and cynos, most groups have little to no idea of the strength or number of your opponent that is coming.

Not sure if anyone told you this, but there are NPC stations in null. Especially the most popular section of Null space, Delve, has multiple NPC stations where you are free to dock and undock as many times as you want, ad infinitum.

What? No. Are you kidding me.

Read what you wrote.

The fact that an area is safe or not is not affected by the mechanism by which it became safe.

Of course it is. This is so stupid.

If CCP turned off Concord today, do you think it would affect the safety of hisec? Of course it would. The mechanism by which it became safe, directly affects the fact of whether an area is safe or not.

I dont understand how you could make such a stupid statement.

Oh. So If hear some sirens and see a red in local, but dont say anything or dont react when Im being targetted and warp scrammed and dropped on, youre saying that the Response fleet, or the Supercap umbrella, will still be able to save me?

Did you actually read what I wrote?

I made a hundred mill an hour with incursions with just 1 character, I dont think i ever made that much mining with a single character in an exhumer.

So I guess I made more isk in hisec than you did in nullsec, huh.

He posted here, so i think he cares quite a bit.

But I care too. Because Im a nice, good human being, and care about others.

Seriously, lets take the Osmon system and the systems around it as an example where this is absolutely the case in hisec.

So ganking is higher in Osmon than, say, Uedama? Niarja? In the past, lets say 3 weeks, how many people do you think have been ganked in Osmon, according to Zkillboard?

JFC. I honestly have no idea why this is so complicated for some people. Are you really this clueless or are you just farmers looking for any possible justification to buff your zero-risk farming?

Highsec: a cop is standing next to you 24/7 saying “if you touch this person I will kill you”.

Nullsec: a mafia enforcer is holding a gun to your head saying “if you do everything I tell you and pay your protection money I won’t kill you”, and if he kills you the police won’t even bother to investigate.

In what delusional world are these two situations equally safe?

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Well, according to some, The mafia boss is making you safe too, so its the same. Its no different with the US and Soviet Russia. In the US, you had the police who kept you safe. In soviet russia, the KGB kept you safe by locking you up in a forced labor camp in siberia. It was all for your own good.

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You need to look again at what you said:

Osmon and its surroundings is an area with SOE missions and numerous ice belts around it close to Jita.

I am not comparing it to Uedama which is a pipe system, I am making the comparison that you made to other areas of hisec like you did with Delve, and making sure you understand that the same principal applies.

The Forge area as a whole is also a very good example of that too, you could then say much of Caldari space too.

3 weeks, that seems a bit odd, I would think an extended period comparing this area to other mission hubs would be a more suitable comparison and you would find exactly what I suggested.

Its not even close, though. The number of targets that get killed, the number of isk lost in delve, isnt even on the same level as Osmon, as compared to other sections of space in null versus say, Uedama, or Niarja.

Yes, youre right. It has nothing to do with how prosperous, how profitable mining, or missioning, or ratting, is. It has everything to do with reasons other than that, such as the amount being transported, the ease at which they can be killed, etc.

Thanks, that was my point.

How extended? A month? A year? Do you think that the number of people who died in osmon will even be 1/10 of those who died in, say, Uedama?

God Sabus has not effin clue what eve online really is, he really doesn’t, u wanna do a POD cast about this and his other thread, mail me ingame

I don’t even know why you’re talking about this, when it’s clear as night and day that CCP is not going to care about what they want anyway. At least for now. For now. I think what’s more important to talk about, is that there’s apparently a group of people hoarding new players simply for political reasons, while not caring even the tiniest bit about them or anyone. Remember: ■■■■ the poor and (!) average income people.

Of course whales are welcome, but money alone is not what’s going to keep this game alive, just like rich people alone could never keep this or any economy running. An economy runs solely on the middle class.

From my perspective, this organisation harms new players and abuses them for political reasons, which ultimately seem to be, at least at first, aiming at making highsec a better farm land. Anyone thinking that it would stop there is not thinking further into the future, because it definitely will not stop there. There is no reason to stop there.

I don’t know how to convince people about how dangerous this is. Just look at it! It’s the “Silent Coalition” and the “Silent Company”. Why are they silent? Because that’s helping them grow. They’re literally everywhere to be found nowadays and it appears no one ever really noticed them until recently.

The goals of their leadership seem to be clear. Turning the game into more of a farm land, without a single care for the actual rest of the game or the people he’s using for their political powergrab. There’s room to claim that it’s solely for RMT. There’s absolutely no room for framing this into something “good”, because that Sabi guy made it clear that he does not care about people at all.

There’s “The Voice”, in another thread, which is the opposite of silent, like a representative of those who are silent, who even liked the post where I’ve clearly pointed out what he’s about.

There’s the other “Naarian”, who I have no doubt is an actual psycho, who seems to share interests and goals with these people, just like “The Voice”. They have in common that they claim to care and be good, while doing the opposite and not caring about anything but their own selfish interests.

This is dangerous. Very dangerous. This isn’t hyperbole. In the real world such developments end badly eventually. Badly for us, normally. Propaganda turns people into mindless apes who just fling ■■■■ at those who disagree with them, attracting even more mindless apes who keep shooting around even more ■■■■, shouting everyone down who wants to have a sensible discussion.

You know how that ends? I can tell you. It ends with these people screaming about how they’re being oppressed and ignored, how their individuality is threatened, how other people are ruining their game. None of it is true, but that doesn’t matter to them. All that matters to them is getting what they want. All the ■■■■ we’re already experiencing on the forums, but much worse.

You guys really need to stop and think about what’s actually important to think about, because your current topic really isn’t.

He doesn’t care. The thing is that he doesn’t need to care. All he cares about, just like Naarian, Duos and all the others, is that he gets what he wants. The difference to him and the others is that he’s actually gathering voices and THAT makes it a problem.

What the hell are you saying here.

It was comparing Delve to other nullsec areas, and comparing Osman and the surrounding systems in the Forge to other hisec areas and telling you that the most prosperous regions are the most hazardous. It is exactly the same in hisec as it is in nullsec.

Location as in being close to the main trading hub makes this area more prosperous, this is not happening in a vacuum. because of its proximity to Jita it is a much more active and prosperous area and as a result there is more conflict, ganking etc.

Not it was not.

There is no relevance in terms of this in regards to the point that I made. Niarja and Uedama kills are not the comparison I am making, I am comparing the area around Osman, as a bloc area and comparing it to other hisec areas. And you keep going off on a tangent about Uedama and Niarja. Neither are next to Osman and neither are in the Forge. I think you are a bit confused.

The ganks that happen in Osmon compared to other areas like Uedama, arent even on par with the kills that happen in Delve compared to other areas. Infact, I think Delve is number one in value destroyed.

Are you talking about osmon? Or Uedama?

Because Uedama is not a prosperous system at all. People dont mine. People dont Mission. People dont make a lot of ISK in Uedama. There is no reward, no ISK imbalance to staying or being active in and around Uedama. Haulers dont get taxed a percentage of their haul to some other player organization.

The reason Uedama gets targetted is because it is a 0.5 bottleneck to and from one of the largest hubs in EVE.

Lucas Kell said that the Reward imbalance is so high in nullsec, while being so safe. And that one of the reasons why its safe is the incredibly low traffic and minimal likelihood of seeing anything but blue traffice, help ensures that.

And yet, I demonstrated that the opposite is true. The more active, the more prosperous, the more isk you make, the more dangerous, the more hazardous it becomes.

With Hisec chokepoints like Uedama, they arent being ganked because of how prosperous the system is. They are being targetted because its a low(0.5) security system where a lot of people with high valued ships pass through, many times AFK.

Infact, most systems being targetted, are on the low security side of hisec. 0.5, 0.6, 0.7. Why are gankers concentrating on these systems? because its easier. Concord response times are longer. This is only one of many, but still a very important factor of ganking.

With Nullsec? Delve has one of, if not the most robust, most well-established intel and supercap protection fleet in the entire game. It has the most, of what you would call, “Safety”, in nullsec.

And yet its one of the most targetted and loses one of the most ISK in the entire nullsec, too.

Thats the key difference.

In nullsec, being more prosperous, being more safe, makes you a greater target, and you lose more.

In hisec, being more or less prosperous ultimately doesnt matter when being ganked. The main factor has always been Sec status of the system. It has to do with the ease at which you can take down your opponent.

Yes, it was.

Of course it does. Were talking about Gankers and their target system of choice. How is it not relevant to bring up the most ganked section, the most ganked system of Hisec?

Again, I wrote:

With hisec, it doesnt matter how popular your system is, gankers dont target based on popularity of a system, only with how many targets can be killed with relative ease.

And I was right. Gankers will flock to Uedama over Osmon, 9/10 times.

I am comparing hisec areas to other hisec areas and saying that it sucks in more conflict like Delve does for nullsec and you are comparing to something else. Weird.

Osmon and the surrounding systems, which is made up of multiple constellations, there are a lot of people operating there and a hell of a lot of structures.

Which is why when you keep mentioning Uedama, it is amusing me greatly.

Not what I am talking about

I am looking at what I call a rich area of hisec and comparing it to other areas across hisec and saying that this area sucks in more content than other hisec areas just as Delve sucks in more conflict and action than other nullsec areas.

I am not talking about the ganking pipes.

Most importantly I am telling you that this statement here is wrong:

And you seem to think it is all about the pipes. So if you can’t get this right, what else are you getting wrong?

This rich high sec area is made up of the Onirvura, Okkelen and Aulari constellations and appears to be the most active area in hisec by a long way.

God Sabus has not effin clue what eve online really is, he really doesn’t, u wanna do a POD cast about this and his other thread, mail me ingame

Please send link to the pod cast when you’re done.

I would like to know, Sabus, are you for or against high sec ganking?

I would like to know, Sabus, are you for or against high sec ganking?

I have no problem with suicide ganking in highsec.

Emerging Conduit at a guess in Niarja.

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Why would you expect a sincere response? That guy is a farmer.

Check out how often he switched corp just this year: