Historical Record: TS-F 'Nexus Releases'

Nexus Release 10 : Historical Philosophy

UI-ID: 486f7720646f20796f7520646f3f.071123299-CALDETtsfSecretary:RaakelClaramond:RaakelClaramond

My name is Raakel Claramond and I am the Underseer’s secretary.
The following is a document I’ve been requested to assemble and release to the Capsuleer division.
May you find it beneficial.

Historical Perspectives : Anaxism and Harmonism


No, Alpha, for me there cannot be any peace.

Every day I am haunted by the death of my husband and wife, my sons and daughters, and my kin. I remember my home in ruins, my family dead, my planet turning into an irradiated rock. You had to survive in a prison through the Dark Days; I had to rip the cybernetics from my family’s corpses to survive.

It hurts me, Alpha. I want it to stop, but your way to do so means giving up the few happy memories I’ve kept alive. I won’t let the invaders force them away. I won’t give them the satisfaction of erasing everything I am; what my family was. I cannot live knowing their killers still remain, if not in body then in spirit.

You are the favored of Kelja, and soon to be our Overseer. We both know there are others in the Foundations like me and peace with them will not heal us. We cannot stop until every Outsider is dead or in our refineries. No mercy, no thoughts of compassion can be afforded to them.

I am no fool, Alpha, and this is why I will make the decision easy for you. For those of us who cannot wait, we will sleep. The Foundations is weak, we are struggling to survive even now. We will sleep away in our cryogenic tubes, awaiting the day that your ideal of peace has finally failed - or the Outsiders are gone by other means.

I hope that I wake up to an endless world of only our Nation, but I doubt I will be so fortunate.

-Excerpt from the final public debate between Anaxes and Overseer-aspirant Alpha
Circa, YC50


Anyone with an interest in our future is well aware of Anaxes’ last words before his long sleep. He is right in so far that many of us are in pain and see retribution as a means of soothing it. I am no stranger to such a calling, I admit even I am attracted by the notion of striking down the Outsiders.

I cannot stand by and allow his calling to color our future, however. The Outsiders are finite and limited. What will we do once they are finally gone? War or otherwise, the means do not matter. Long after the Outsiders become a historical footnote, where does that leave us?

Within every soul is the potential for happiness; within every soul is a kindred spirit. Anaxes would never be able to deny this, even if he does not wish to accept such a truth. If we are to engage in war, then let us. If we are to prosper and realize our Master’s grand vision, we must temper ourselves.

We will never find ourselves unprepared again, but I will leave it to others if we are to strike down the Outsiders or not. Those who wish to revitalize the great works of our Nation and aspire to even greater heights must heed my words. We will need to cultivate the capacity for peace and happiness in ourselves if we are to ever remain True.

-Translated speech excerpt from Beta, Command Unit of Synthetics, for Capsuleer consumption
Circa, YC51

The Thought Strains in Today’s World

These two thought strains have been archived for decades now, but they still hold relevancy today. In the wake of utter devastation, the choice to retaliate in kind was always available to us. Yet, in order to stay True to our Master’s vision, we could not afford to take that choice.

As the great Nation moves against Capsuleers, routing them and their CONCORD signatory allies where it can, the Overwatch asks that you entertain an idea. The simplicity of destruction, and the complexity of creation are always at odds with each other.

Within Nation is the easy power to crush the galaxy and send the Outsider’s into eternal darkness. Is it not greater to instead choose the harder path, trudging forward to create a wondrous world where the Outsiders could join Nation? Is it not greater to pierce the veil of lies the CONCORD signatories have wrapped our Nation in with words and speech, rather than weapons?

We do not mean to imply that pacifism is the way to go, they have made it clear we need to protect ourselves. Yet when distilled, are we not better for seeking to accept them into us - where they could not accept us?