Historical Record: TS-F 'Nexus Releases'

Nexus Release 06 : Ethics and Surviving the Fall

UI-ID: 4920616d20.2321x-CALDET-tsfSword:Alpha:GhostHunter

My name is Alpha. I am the first of two.
I shall tell to you that some of what is central to our Foundations.

(used with a singular or plural verb) a system of moral principles

Ethics are a central component of any intelligent civilization. They are guidelines that establish the driving focus of a people. Without them, civilization would most likely destabilize and turn in upon itself because there is no focus. Ethics brings focus, with focus purpose, and with purpose meaning. When ethics between civilizations differ greatly, conflict is a very often a result. The True Slave Foundations, as a collective entity focused on supporting the Nation, our guiding moral principles differ vastly from any other civilization. Our cybernetic augmentation imperative is one of the strong ethical principles our servitude has given us. It gives us purpose to continually innovate new upgrades, or fathom entirely new vectors of cybernetic design to augment human life.

To facilitate this purpose many ethics other cultures hold ‘self evident’ are discarded. For our architects, the human body is no more different than the engine of a vehicle - they are both machines to be built upon. This approach, contrary to popular outsider perception, is not filled with malicious scientific experimentation or cruel ‘body chop shops’. There is nearly a century’s worth of medical safety protocols that is obeyed to insure both architect and subject are not negatively affected. Our extensive knowledge of the human body and the practical medical experience needed allows us the flexibility to experiment with safety.

As a consequence of our cybernetic imperative, large portions of the Foundations scientifically explore areas. In day to day life, every day concepts are explored again or particularly inventive personnel try to craft a new vector. As a means of conveying why this is significant, a comparison is necessary. Contemporary society has the average citizen involved in pursuing mundane jobs as part of an economy - fast food, cleaning, landscaping, inventory management, and so forth. Citizens participate in these jobs because they require currency in order to survive. For the Foundations, slaves participate in these jobs in order to innovate more efficient designs. Automation of mundane labor is normally the ultimate goal: by automating mundane labor, human attention can be spent elsewhere.

To you, Capsuleers, I ask you to consider how these two fundamental differences set these Foundations apart from contemporary society.

UI-ID: 486f7720646f20796f7520646f3f.071123299-CALDETtsfSecretary:RaakelClaramond:RaakelClaramond

My name is Raakel Claramond and I am the Underseer’s secretary.
The following is a document I’ve been requested to assemble and release to the Capsuleer division.
May you find it beneficial.

Surviving the Fall

The inception of the True Slave Foundations wasn’t a simple affair for us. By request of the Overseer, I am imparting a portion of our early history to Division Capsuleer.

As I touched upon in the first Nexus release, the original leadership of the True Slave Foundations were scientists funded by aristocrats and merchants. When the Empires attacked the Nation, some of these investors fled to the Foundations they were helping to create.

In the following years where the Foundations was forced to go off the main grid to survive, tensions rose between the scientists, the investors, and the people who worked for the Foundations. The previous methods of operation didn’t work in the new environment following the Empires’ attack. The aristocratic elite growing in the Nation had all but vanished from our eyes, and in the wake of Sansha Kuvakei going quiet we didn’t possess clear focus. For the survivors of our Foundations, their approaching doom contributed heavily to the mounting tensions.

In the decade that followed the Fall, survival took a heavy toll on the True Slave Foundations. Some of the projects more isolated facilities went silent and the core headquarters itself was in shambles. The survivors were forced by desperation to return to the main grid in an effort to save themselves from diminishing resources.

A True Slave military outpost a system over recognized the Foundations’ headquarters when it broadcasted its position. The responding True Slaves recognized the Foundations as survivors from the Fall, and actively sought to protect and provide for them in addition to their other duties. While this solved the immediate needs to survive, it didn’t resolve the social chaos the Foundations had dissolved into.

Strict resources, conflicting ethical beliefs, and the disgusting ‘might makes right’ mentality had overtaken most of the survivors in the dark decade they were off the grid. Factionalism had emerged in the power play for resources and the fear that one group would overpower the others soon became prevalent. Arguably, one could say that fear turned out to be justified.

The survival of the Foundations and its reemergence is attributed to the actions of the faction led by Zegerth Kelja, who at the time of this writing is the command unit of Division Ourapheh. By her own testimony, Zegerth asserts that her faction conducted a, “systematic and total assimilation of everyone and everything to reestablish order”. The details are sparingly few and far between, and although poor record keeping is blamed some historical scholars strive to piece together what exactly happened.

Zegerth herself staunchly refuses to elaborate more than the historical basics known today, and affirms that a complete record is only available directly to the Overwatch itself. Regardless of what had occurred then, no one today can argue against her actions: The True Slave Foundations has survived the greatest military invasion of all time.