Nexus Release 07 : The Foundations and Nation
Life is grand, days are different, Nation evolves, and tomorrow’s going to be amazing.
Hello, hello hello members of Division Capsuleer. I’m going to give you all a bit of context before we get to the bulk of this NR. My simple given name is Zegerth, and I am the former Overseer of the True Slave Foundations. These days I’m the Underseer, and command unit of Division Ourapheh. You might better know me for my on off appearances when I’m performing administrative work for the Shaktipat Revelators alliance.
On the nature of Foundations and Nation
As you are all, I would hope, aware of Nation’s majestic collective unity, there are some uncomfortable truths that need to be spoken aloud. Nation brings Truth, and with it there is always a certain pain of acceptance and understanding. Not all Truth is kind or gentle, and sometimes it cuts into us deeply. With Truth, however, we cure ourselves of our lies and be greater for it.
The True Slave Foundations, as a whole, exists separately of the Nation. Our systems are internalized exclusively within the Foundations and we largely have no significant presence in Nation’s systems. This is a rather difficult concept to convey, given collectivism and what have you, so bear with me on this.
We exchange with Nation, we exist in Nation space, and we are largely seen as friendly by them. To any outsider, there is no difference between us and the Nation. At the administrative and practical levels, however, this isn’t the case. The Foundations are largely independent, self-directed, and internalized.
Nation occasionally gives us direct input, be it requests or what ever it wills, and we do comply with it. In the periods that we are not operating in conjunction, the Foundations is left to its own devices. We conduct our own research, manage our own colonies, maintain our networks, and all the huff and puff we need to live.
It’s not a gloriously grandeur existence, and one that certainly doesn’t fit the picture of harmonious oneness. How can Nation’s unity be True if we, the True Slave Foundations, exist independently of it? The answer is right in our namesake. Our purpose is to build a foundation. The True Unity is Nation’s alone to possess, all we can do is better prepare how we might join with it. With that in mind, all our work is to fulfill the inevitability of integrating with Nation. A big generalization, mind you, but that’s the plateau to reach.
I’ve made it a point of addressing this particular Truth because I wish to stop misconceptions before they arise. I have dealt with some Capsuleers before who’ve made the mistake of presuming the Foundations and Nation are one and the same. In many ways we are, but in more important ways we aren’t yet. Simply being with us doesn’t make a Capsuleer apart of Nation, and indeed Nation is all too prepared to discipline such foolishness.
I know some of you will be confused by this strange, if seemingly contradictory, relationship. While I may most likely not be the one to help you through understanding it, your current Overseer is there for you. Together, I’m hopeful we’ll all be able to find that precious common understanding to continue forward.