Holier Than Thou - C4 US/EU TZs - Join us in J-space!

Recruiting still open!

Bump bump

We like to huff gas sometimes?

Come join us! We have fun, I swear

More pewpew enjoyers desired

I like pew pew and so should you


We love scanning, mapping, and finding our content! Come join us on the hunt.

We are active enough to have to manage our bookmarks! We buy your loot!

Explorers wanted! Come try to decloak lokis!

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Explode things! Be exploded by things!

Bumpity bump

Mo’ recruitment!

Sometimes our ships get lost after rolling — and they make it back!

Our recruitment is still busy, get in on the action!

When you apply ask for Lyor and I’ll give you a 10% discount

Come and do indy things (whatever those are?)! Indulge your dirty krabbing habit! Or enjoy some pewpew!

More pilots still welcome!

HTT still recruiting!

Come defend the homeland with us, comrades!