How bumping could be changed

More realistic physics simulation like in Kerbal Space Program?

People would have trouble and need a tutorial just to dock up again!

I think, to make EvE more realistic, we need to have the exact same docking proceedings as in elite dangerous. With rotating stations.

Oh, and no docking assist modual. Because when people were forced to manually dock their ship in that game, they cried and whined and complained about how hard it was. So Frontier gave into the pining and gave those jokers an automated docking computer to do it for them.

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To be fair the original Elite (circa 1984) also had automated docking computers.


Hush now.

You’re ruining the narrative.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

Docking is a doddle.

Only Skyla_Amarr could possibly have trouble.

So, we should have FTL travel but no automated docking systems? Think about that…

You already have a docking computer in EvE.

Unless I have some platinum version where I don’t have to fly my ship manually into the station.

What version are you playing?

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You offered it as an idea. I just pointed out that it was a lame idea.

And what does that have to do with anything?

In Elite dangerous, ships travel FTL utilizing Alcubierre principles. Which literally alter and manipulate the gravitational forces around the ship (slip drive)

But for some strange reason, with this advanced manipulation of gravitational forces, artificial gravity doesn’t exist. Why? Because Frontier wanted rotating stations.

So let’s think about this. Why does gravitational drives exist but artificial gravity does not? Because of this amazing plot device called “handwavium.” You see, the developers can implement whatever fantastic or mundane technology they want as lore elements to their game.

How does this apply to EvE? Simply. Docking computers don’t exist/work/interface with a capsuleer because (insert lore reason here) so that the player actually has to fly their ship.

I hope that clears things up.

tl;dr. False equivalency fallacy. Just because one tech exists for lore reasons, doesn’t mean another should or does.

Plus this has nothing to do with the bumping mechanic. This thread has gotten off course.

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Fancy. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: You still suggested going backward in technology, which doesn’t usually happen.

It can depending on the story.

As we all know, in JRPGs ancient technology is more advanced and reliable than modern.

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how in the world did that happen

The easiest way to do this w/o having a slaughter at the undock of a station, is to tie bumping damage to red safety. (Or there could be a level above red - purple or black - that allows for it.)

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