this makes no since since missions have a terrible payout that’s never been buffed…the only true value is the LP for LP store items
I dunno apparently meta mods are getting hard to find.
Might be worth looting/salvaging again.
some mods I won’t salvage and just sell because they going for a VERY pretty Isky
(usually meta 4’s weapons)
I know in Amarr I couldn’t find any medium pulse lasers recently for my harbringer…so got t2 quad beams.
only reason I even salvage is when I do anoms I am doing it on a arbitrator, so i can scan/salvage/data/fight all on one ship.
lvl 4’s I usually do partial salvage (basically what ever my mobile tractor can pull before I finish room I salvage/loot and move on (salvage drones FTW)
Thats exactly what I said;
Brisc stated the PAYOUTS havent changed. But in a situation where everything is more expensive, thats a bad thing. It means the mission payouts are worth less compared to goods and services than they were when implemented.
Neither he nor I mentioned LP store. But depending on the item, your returm may also be less than it was there too.
Easy, have CCP stop making items soulbound…
This, so much this.
Apply-on-receipt and other forms of soulbound item are anathema to a free market.
And before any clever clogs chip in about it not being free, I have never had a deal cancelled by or interfered with by CCP regardless of it being a single blob of carbon or a carrier.
Spulbound should NEVER have been a thing in EvE. It sucks in every other game, and it sucks worse in EvE.
Provide tax relief to c r a p markets ie rens hek etc.
Yeah agreed, but then also accept and agree that we’ll never get any cool stuff for free anymore and that sales deals on items&services will be less worthwhile.
Do you mean if soulbound was reversed?
TBH back when the event drops and giveaways were both decent and marketable (and less common), the market would quickly become saturated and prices drop sharply.
There was some room for speculation by buying up items and holding them til later but it was minimal.
With the current crop of account-bound boosters and skins, if they were unbound/marketable the oversupply would be so much they’d be next to worthless anyway.
Yes, it’s logical to assume that if CCP gives out cool stuff from time to time that might interfere with other things (on the market) then if it wouldn’t be “soul bound” any more they’d think twice about doing that or at the very least tone down the gifts.
Not stating it as a hard fact, just as a basic logic. Collectors and long term traders, very obviously, don’t like soul bound stuff.
Looks at my Geckos
I disagree.
And I also disagree that just because something has little market value that makes it worthless.
Trading it between my own characters for a start would mean skins could go to whom they were needed for.
Ofc we can all just be cynical and agree tgat CCP are unlikely to do anything cool ever again as money is their only drive.
So I guess I agree with both of you.
Might as well just make everything cool soulbound and close down the market as a waste of time
High level Raid for a Navy Heron Skin anyone?
Sure. Can I bring my Drake?
Only if its the Halloween 2023 Edition with the gold trim from the Mooglestore that was part of the crossover with L.O.L. Surprise Fierce Neon.
Actually, I want one now Ive imagined it
Damn weebs.
Weeb > dweeb
Sure, right at first, then the market would quickly rebound afterwards.
CCP’s soulbound items are bypassing the player run market and has almost made in-game trade between characters obsolete, same thing with CCP selling Skill Points, it bypasses the player run market.
This reply is excellent.
I mothballed ALL production since the Trig/Scarcity/Mining/Pochven-Uedama-Abhazon/Indy changes. I feel essentially scammed by CCP for all the skill trains I sunk in to Indy/mining/refining/research/production/trade/freighting etc activities & likely will never trust CCP far enough to start up any indy ever again.
I took basically a year with no playtime to train combat skills. I just do a bit of missions, HS type stuff now & then which requires no real prep or build up and I can walk away from anytime.
I was solidly commited to EVE as my MMO (i only ever play 1 at a time traditionally), those changes set me on a path of very loose walk away anytime casual relationship with EVE & I play another more traditional MMO since those changes.
So clearly they didn’t work for me, maybe they did something amazing for some other part of the game ecosystem, but that isn’t what I’ve heard & it’s not what I’m seeing in the marketplace which is very sparse everywhere, esp outside Jita. To me, it feels like the changes have consolidated production more toward monopolies on incredibly slender margins, with newer players facing an indy market where mostly they will lose money. That’s anecdotal, but regardless I feel deterred from indy, from chat etc that is view of others too.
No amount of ‘opportunity’ is likely to get me to start indy again when my trust levels towards CCP have passed below the tipping point to invest again in long term mechanics like an indy setup for EVE.
I can run missions etc with, whatever’s on the market/I already have, and I can always go play my other MMO.
-As a sidenote, I sort of view CCP pretending to newbros that industrialist is 1 of the 4 career paths when you might need to maintain 10 custom spreadsheets to turn any profit, is somewhat dishonest to new players as it sits right now.
I learned my lesson with CCP after I spent like a year training and grinding for jump clones and research agents, then CCP changed the rules so none of that work was necessary. Well, technically, the research agent training and grinding was still required to do the research, but the payouts were nerfed to oblivion by the way they made it compete with faction warfare. It would take years just to recoup the cost of the skillbooks.
Well, one thing to revitalize industry is to get rid of this ridiculous “System Cost Index”. The Index is punishing active industrualists or even corps with many industrialists to set up a base somewhere because even in the most remote places your system index will skyrocket as soon as you begin to produce or research on a handful of chars. It’s complete nonsense, because with high job costs you cannot compete against the market any more, so either you stop doing business every month to let the Index fall back down or you change the system to start your jobs in every month.
I would find it okay to limit the system cost index to NPC-stations (and of course only count jobs started there towards the index-calculations) because even NPCs might be greedy and the more people use their service the more they might increase the job price. Fine. Then you had a motivation to set up an own structure for your corp to produce there (which is nice to evolve as a corp, having a joint project to work on). And on private owned structures, the owner sets the price for slot usage as he has to pay for the fuel and the risk of maintaining the structure.
I know several people who completely stopped doing any industry, because the index just makes it incredibly inconvenient and less and less lucrative to even fill your industry slots and have all the effort of moving the needed resources around for less and less profit.