How CCP stopped me from playing my game style

We hear that all the time.

Why not actually go and do it instead of waiting and looking for excuses?

Don’t delay. Join the belligerent undesirables club today!


:rightparrot: :triangular_flag_on_post: :volcano:

:mega: You can do it! :arrow_left:

:dolphin: :man_cartwheeling: :rocket:

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Since we have now moved on to how big the ships are in Battlestar Galactica, what’s the biggest animal you think you could take in a fight, starting 10 yards apart no weapons? A medium size dog? A big goose? Something more exotic like a capybara?


A goose will ■■■■ your ■■■■ up, no joke.

Personally, I feel like I have a decent shot against an adolescent giraffe.

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Like if you could get in close before you got kicked and grabbed one of those spindly legs you might have a chance. Like a baby giraffe. An adolescent giraffe? I don’t know, once they get a little eye-hoof coordination I think they are probably trouble. Same thing with like deer and your smaller antelope types. You have to get to the legs.


Well I wouldn’t make it a title fight, just kind of a mid-season hype event.

I reckon I maybe take on a Koala Bear, not a confrontation I would be looking forward to in a long shot but I think I can handle one.

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Join us @Altara_Zemara

Only if you call yourselves The Evil Dead.

Very large rats.

You would think the warden would follow federal health and safety mandates. But he doesn’t. The little shits come scurry into my cell, scratching at the walls looking for crumbs. As a 12 year old girl serving multiple consecutive lifetime sentences for blowing up pixilated space ships in a video game, I’ve gotten really good at catching them and you know, disposing of them.

I could kick the ■■■■ out of an ant, spider, mosquito or fly but I can’t bear the idea of hurting an animal. Pests, yes. Animals, no.

This animal is not giving you the option here. There is an average sized white tail deer, no antlers, 10 yards from you. It 100% is going to try to kill you. It personally holds you responsible for all the sins of mankind against nature, AND it fervently believes you stole its fawn. Can you defend yourself against this deer?

The deer would bring me a bunny, with a basket of chocolate mushroom edibles, and we would take a trip to K-space.



Probably not. But I could always charm it like she does. :slightly_smiling_face:


That’s why I joined Eve…to practice zapping the third category…feral neighbours.

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Oh, I thought “Prancy Paw Unicorn Rainbow Barfing Kitty Snuggle Huggy Club” was a fine enough name.

How about Prancy Paw Unicorn Rainbow Barfing Kitty Snuggle Huggy Evil Dead Club

( can one even create a corp name that long )

Judging by all the carebear tears, this seems like a good change that was made in the name of James 315.


I wouldn’t harm the animal as I would just want to hold one and not the zoo kind.