I just joined to play and have fun.
CCP deletes another playstyle? Say it ain’t so!
I remember making bank when data and relic sites had rats, because it required you to commit a combat capable ship into running the site, thus a target for a gank. Now they have no rats so anyone in a 2 mil frigate can harvest as many intact armor plates and shield emmiters as they want driving the prices down significantly making it so the only way to make reasonable money was to do it in nulsec. Ironically this was also the same patch they added in the SOE combat focused exploration ship line lol.
I also remember doing lowsec guristas combat exploration and making good money that way, then they got bought by pearl abyss and serenity players started flooding into tranquility and botting the hell out of guristas sites with cash shop skill injected characters. Then they ruined pirate manufacturing so getting a worm or gila BPC went from 50-150mil profit to 10-20.
Thankfully they gave us red loot isk printing, but that will probably be nerfed eventually as well.
Every day that is all we can try to do.
The Cylons /ˈsaɪlɒn/ are the main antagonists of the human race in the Battlestar Galactica science fiction franchise, making appearances in the original 1978 series, the 1980 series, the 2004 re-imagining, and the spin-off prequel series Caprica.
It has happened before, it will happen again… The remake is due in 2046. I’m going to try to hold on.
When I was brand new, so prolly like 2007 or so, I used to practice ‘can baiting’ or ‘can flipping’ which was a beloved past-time practiced by many but was also independently invented by me.
You see, back then, it was a common practice to park your barge or whatever in a belt and simply mine until your jettison can was full, (quite a bit of ore) then go grab an indy and haul the ore to station.
I would stalk them in a manticore, invisibly on grid, wait for them to leave to get their badger or whatever, then while they were gone I would uncloak and “flip” their can by replacing it with one of my own, moving all their ore into MY can, destroying the evidence and recloaking like 10 km away. The miner would return in their hauling ship and sometimes park their ship right next to the can for an inordinate amount of time, which I always interpretted as the miner delliberating with themselves, talking themselves into doing something that they know they shouldn’t. ‘What is this warning that I’ll go criminal about? I just mined this ore!!! I’m not stealing it… Oh well, shrug. I dont see anyone else around, I’ll just grab it and go sit out my timer in station…’
Much of the time, seems like most, they’d go for it. Then something they might not have even known was possible happened. A T2 ship uncloaks nearby and before they have time to align their big slow industrial, I have them locked and warp-scrammed and ultimately, perhaps after playing with their emotions for a bit, kerblammo.
This same kinda trick also worked just outside of stations with a jet can labelled “Free Loot!”
Yeah, can’t do that stuff anymore…
Ahhh, good times…
What I used to do is self-destruct ships with some loot inside (maybe even some super-cheap faction loot), along with a few bookmarks named something like “rest of loot, can password: ilovemiku”. The bookmark would lead to a location in low-sec or a wormhole with an anchored giant secure container or two. I would note when someone would loot the wreck, and then wait for them to come investigate. Players consistently came in to check out these bookmarks and the containers, which would have other loot in them to keep the targets preoccupied while I uncloaked and tackled them. It was hilarious. Maybe like a 20% success rate.
Cool story, bro.
Mr Epeen
Well, my vision about wars is very different than what EVE ever had, to me having casus belli is the answer, example:
- If you have an orca mining in a region, then any other corp that has an orca mining (or receiving boosts) in the same region would open a causus belli, the mutual war could start within a day and a non-mutual war could start within a week
I would not tie wars to structure ownership only, but would also add the consumption of limited resources and region.
People who mine in the same region would be able to have wars while having no structures at all, and so on, but if they move to another region then the war target would be invalid… so miners would have to run away and mine elsewhere or fight.
Etc, I could think of many new fronts and situations that generate other types of causus belli.
So miners could hire you to defend them and you would have a steady payout from them and also farm their agressors, so you would get paid by who won’t fight their own wars lol
There’s no reason to introduce the artificial concept of a “casus belli”, when players can make their own decisions themselves. If someone declares war, they obviously have a reason, so there’s no point in requiring them to have one that suits some arbitrary criteria.
Yes, the old war declaration system won’t be returning at all. Nowadays, having a structure serves as the casus belli. However, I believe there should be additional reasons to initiate wars that don’t necessarily revolve around owning a structure.
Maybe if both corporations mine the same belt, then it could start a 1 day war, lol
Maybe, someone could claim a belt, claim a system, claim something for themselves for the day… then a second party could dispute this claim and this could start a war
The easiest and best solution is a return to the old system.
At least partially is just fair, for example, a dedicated war corp could wardec another dedicated warcorp in the old system, the causus belli would be being a war corp in constant wars.
I really don’t see CCP stepping back on this, but they should at least open some possibilities
It doesn’t matter whether CCP will “step back” or not. They are wrong, and if they want to improve the game, that’s the path forward.
I agree that they didn’t hit the nail on the head on this, I will give you that
This isn’t 2007 EVE anymore. Players no longer possess a balanced approach to EVE gameplay. Everyone does the one thing they’re used to doing, and that’s it.
Mining corporations don’t fight wars; they file petitions. I was infiltrating high-sec carebear groups when the population started shifting around 2010 or so. They would sometimes go to “war” with each other (especially if prodded along with some artificial drama), but they never actually fought. A “war” between mining corporations would consist of one group sitting in one station, the other group in another station, and then they would insult each other’s mothers for ten hours in local chat. Not a shot was ever fired. I would tell the CEO “hey, they have a Covetor in belt 6, we should ambush it and stake our claim!” and the response I would get would be something like “stand down recruit, we will be taking a measured approach to this incursion, I do not want us to make any tactical mistakes.” And when I would park my own “barge” in front of the enemies, they never did anything either.
Why do you expect miners to fight, when all the “guides” and “vets” are teaching them that they can continue farming, and simply get their ship back from CCP? I routinely get bragged to how “CCP gave back my ship lol scrub” from the null-sec “elite PvPers” I kill. During the “Hateless” drama, CCP was restoring dozens of Orcas every week for players, and they even had a Discord channel to brag about it to each other. Recently my friend lost a ship in Faction Warfare, and when he filed a petition to clarify the legitimacy of a particular game mechanic, they gave him his ship back without saying anything. He didn’t even ask for it back or want it back. He had to press the ticket to find out if it was an exploit, and they said no. But still gave him his ship back that he lost in a fight he himself initiated, and never asked for it to be reimbursed.
You’re not playing EVE anymore. This is EVE 2.0.
Wait, what? I’ve never met anyone getting their ship back because of some PvP.
Honestly, I don’t mind if miners don’t want to fight, but if they’ve got a fleet and a player corporation, I think any other player corp should be able to warp into their belt, claim it, and kickstart a war. It’s only fair, and at least there’s context there, so they’d get why the war’s happening, if they get why then the outcry would mostly disapear.
Imagine it as a small-scale skirmish… let’s say it goes on for just 24 hours, limited to one system, and it kicks off in an hour. If the guy’s AFK for 2 hours, he’d come back to find his stuff gone. It’d cost like 10 million ISK to start a war like that.
For sure, having as the only causus belly as “having a structure” is not enough, some wars could be linked to activities, system, region, etc.
Industrial Command Ships: regional war, 3 days, starts in 4 hours
Other mininig ships: system, 1 day, starts in 1 hour
But to start a war because Porpoise is at the belt, you would have to warp a Porpoise to the belt and claim the belt, also an Orca for an Orca. The scale of the war would be progressive and the reason should be very clear
Possibly not let capsulers in NPC corporations to fly Orcas.
FYI, this topic is taboo here on the forums.
shouts loudly for Big Brother: We live in a wonderful society where all ship destruction is meaningful.
Well, I have personally filed in a ticket once to have a ship returned to me, and they told me what exactly in the logs I had overlooked and because it was valid, it would not be returned to me. So, from my perspective, what you are saying doesn’t add up.
But who knows, maybe all those thousands of pilots messaging you that their ships have been restored are either extremely lucky or possibly just lying because they’re butthurt. Not that I am alleging anything.
I have however today woken up with a brief flash of brilliance, of course thinking about nothing else but Eve online and this thread and how to solve wardecs once and for all, and I had this idea:
How about, while keeping the current system, you allow corporations to set themselves as war eligible?
Other corps could declare war on you at anytime and can also stop it freely, but let’s throw in a little cooldown like 1 day or 1 week before they can stop it again, and then you could potentially fight the entire universe without owning a single structure. All you have to do is make everyone angry enough. How does that sound?
With contested regards
-James Fuchs