How CCP stopped me from playing my game style

Virtually every item that is made in game is worth less than it’s parts, even at max’d out manufacturing/reprocessing skills.

Eve players are either really stupid, or the market is a lie.

CCP’s world.

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And how many people did it require to gather the resources required for that build list?

You clearly didn’t comprehend the OP’s original point.

Cool flex though, I guess?

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They asked about things that have no relevance to the game in any way.


Taking content that could once be accomplished solo, by those who chose to, as per Eve Online’s ‘promise’ to ‘play your way’, and making it un-accomplishable is not adaptable.

Forcing a playstyle to require multiple full-time playstyles is just forcing some kid to go play with other kids he/she doesn’t want to play with. That kid is just gonna leave and go find a game that doesn’t force them to adapt in a way they do not want to.

More Work, Less Reward. Seems to be CCP’s business model.


Y126? How can we be involved in this War on HS Structures?

Water is wet. Congratulations.

Inflation makes prices higher but payouts in missions, abyssal dead space, incursions, and more remain the same! :exploding_head: Meaning I have to put in more hrs to get the same objectives done.

This was your Econ 101 class for the day.

Allocation of time and resources changed.



Hyperbole much? There are a ton of items that can be made for a profit. Frigates are not in that group!


Oh. I don’t read the forums much these days, I didn’t realize that this guy was still at it.

If it feels like work stop playing.
If you play for “rewards” stop playing.
The entertainment that a game provides is its own reward.
If you’re not entertained stop playing.


@Princess_Valloris @Amon_Tobin … and the rest… I define a sandbox game, whereas I don’t have to follow any quest or mission path what-so-ever. GTA San Adreas was one of the first sandbox games I really ran into. When you get into the game as CJ, it tells you to get on that stupid bicycle in the alley. But I can go jack a ride and head over to “The Pig Pen” and earn money just by standing up on stage by the dancers. Where the game fails to be sandbox, I cannot unlock other cities until I do a series of missions. Black Desert is very sandbox, after you do the introduction quests you can just ignore your Black Spirit and aimlessly wander about killing things or crafting until you level up. There is no restrictions on where your character must go or how to level. Where the game fails to to be sandbox, you must reach level 50 to PvP and some NPC characters will remain quest locked.

As for my brief experience with EVE, this game allows you the freedom to do what you want as long as you have the skill and ISK to do it. Where it fails to be sandbox, omega is required to play all aspects of this game. Even as an alpha, I still feel this game allows you to roam and it is my opinion this is a sandbox game.


I agree with you but not entirely. I don’t think that a PvP game can be Sandbox. I think the only viable Sanbox games are single-player games. You mentioned GTA and I strongly agree it’s Sandbox. I never played Black Desert but another good exemple of a single-player Sanbox is the Assassin’s Creed series of games.
In my opinion, a game that allows other players to end your character or the activity you’re doing at the moment cannot be Sandbox. But that’s just my opinion. I’m sure someone will have a smart-alik post proving that EVE is Sandbox but I cannot help how I feel. So sue me.


Not true. Move your manufacturing to nullsec, and then watch as the material costs of manufacturing items drops down to where it is once again profitable to manufacture.

They changed the ore, which devalued highsec bot miner’s time only. Now you have to bot in nullsec for the good ores in order for your bot mining complex to be worth the effort.

Manufacturing skills to V actually make a difference now, and will make a sizable impact on your profit margins. Though that will not out scale the improvements to manufacturing that you get when you do so in null sec.

Eh, the manufacturing overhaul… is mixed. The quantities of materials needed to build ships went up drastically, though the reprocess and salvage values are still based on the old and much lower numbers. The new materials added to data sites only appear in nullsec, giving nullsec yet another advantage over everybody else.
The cost of T1 ships (especially battleships) went up waaaay too much compared to the overall power balance that the ships provide, and all of the pirate frigates and cruisers are stupidly over priced for the same reasons.
The T1 battle cruisers and battleships being tied to capitol building materials is a load of bull, and the pirate capitols are best described as shiny e-peen targets for the meager advanges provided above a standard capitol yet costing as much as a super capitol ship…

on the bright side, the extra steps in the manufacturing process gives saavy business options and an overall better isk/hr value of a manufacturing slot… though at an increased amount of effort in order to see yields from it.

Though CCP’s idea that “nullsec gets everything in addition to being grandfathered into keeping the best stuff from before, while also being the exclusive beneficiaries for the new materials and monopoly on those materials” is old. Eve online is not nullsec wars online, there are also the k-space group of Lowsec and high sec, and the low/mid/high class of WH space – but nullsec gets the best of everything, and then when they don’t they complain through the CSM until they get it anyway. Which is a larger problem that has been causing a lot of the other problems over the years, from “scarcity” only applying to HS/LS/WH space to “asset safety” applying to Nullsec when it should be high sec and low sec exclusively.


Once you own a structure the corp owning it ( i.e your corp ) becomes war eligible and you can declare war on other eligible corps or offer to be an ally in other people’s wardec…and so on.

So, for the cost of the cheapest such structure, plus fuel for it, plus 100m ISK per week war fee…you are in the war business.

I mean…with all the billions of ISK people keep saying they have, it should be a piece of cake.

I mean, surely this was the point at which we stopped taking OP’s complaint seriously?

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When you grow up in a pod and eat Soylent Green your entire life, you simply won’t have the frame of reference to make a proper quality comparison. As posited to you by many people, the system used to be vastly superior to the one we have today. It used to be the case when on a slow week, the war interface would have 30-40 pages of wars conducted by hundreds of different groups, while these days it’s 5 or 6 pages, mostly conducted by one hegemon and a handful of its protectorates. The “big battles” you’ve been a part of that you cherry-pick for your arguments are extreme outliers that only happen a few times per year, and are in themselves quite frankly not very fun, being an extension of null-sec blob warfare more than the kind of small-scale, intimate combat that high-sec wars have been known for in the past.

The cost of a war HQ is just shy of two billion ISK. That’s the cheapest variant composed of a cored Raitaru with no modules or rigs, with a few days of fuel inside (assuming you aren’t willing to minimize losses by adding tiny amounts of fuel every few hours), and the cost of one or more wars factored in. You’ll be in for a rude awakening when you find out that this expenditure will net you 48 hours of shooting time, with half of that being the cooldown period. Let us know how delicious that cake is after you give this a shot.




Well, hopefully your alt will be ready soon, so you can show us all how it’s done.

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That is not what we had in mind.

Records show that we did that. The question was more or less directed at your alt and how we my alt can handle working together on that in Y126?