but the rolling numbers mean nothing when u hit every 17 seconds for 11k like a artynado. thats only ~640 dps
but the rolling numbers mean nothing when u hit every 17 seconds for 11k like a artynado. thats only ~640 dps
DPS means “Damage per second”, your ability to apply damage over time. I’m sure you would agree that if you do 1800 per 10 minutes, it’s not that great. If you do 1800 per millisecond, it’s pretty damn incredible. That’s why we wanted to know the DPS (or firing rate of your weapons, which was the other missing piece of information). Otherwise we cannot compare with our DPS numbers.
DPS is what is relevant, not damage per hit. Much like in a race, kilometres is not relevant, but kilometre per hours is. What you see scrolling is the “Damage” part only. With a RoF of 2.94 seconds, you do 1900 damage / 2.94 seconds ~ 646 dps.
So yeah, @Tipa_Riot would kill a boss faster, or likely win the wreck of a boss since she would do more damage than you (or I!) by the time it dies.
Just did some experimenting with HAMgu, normal T2 and polarized, doing from ~850dps normal to ~1070dps polarized with the large shield booster.
Both worked fine, however I did get beat point blank by a torp+gecko rattlesnake, which is to be expected. Still managed to beat him for the 2nd spawn because I MWD’d towards the boss and could apply damage way sooner.
That said, I think I’m going back to my ~850dps HAM Gila. Letting the drones do all the work is just so nice, I’ll accept that maybe one in 15 sites someone might beat me, lol. It also tanks the site more comfortably, especially compared to polarized fit, don’t really have to worry about how fast I kill the rats. And it moves 600m/s faster with the MWD to boot.
thats true. way more stressless.
but fyi on sissy it seems the 2 boss is gone.
Interesting. Wonder if/when will change on Tranquility…
OK, I’m not an EFT / PYFA ship fitting pro so guess I was mistaken in using the term DPS. Don’t both of those fitting apps show different stats when compared to each other which are also different to the stats shown in Eve?
Anyway, I’m sure the numbers scrolling across the screen in game after each hit definitely mean something, I highly doubt it’s there just to distract players.
No, they all show the same thing: how much raw damage per second you do (amongst many, many other useful things). Unless one hasn’t been updated properly, they all agree.
The numbers scrolling across the screen show how much damage a hit does. It is useful, but not sufficient to compare the effectiveness of different ship fits. If I hit every minute and you hit every second, even if I do 10 times as much per hit as you do, I will do less damage over the course of a fight that you. DPS (as shown in the fitting window) is a lot more useful than damage per hit.
Loki (PvE version) is sub par, I lost almost every contest against Gilas and Rattlesnakes, even with heat. The Loki has a applied DPS and range problem (you are too much time at the edge of single falloff, plus doing suboptimal damage type). Then I switched to the Tengu and won every contest. I didn’t want to polarize because I like to relax in site watching others killing the small stuff, and T2 is enough obviously.
Sorry - I can’t seem to find any other official thread on The Hunt, so I might as well ask here -
How is the reward differential shaping up between high-sec and low-sec for the soloable Hunt sites? For the Gala event, I wasn’t doing the low-sec VIP sites, and from my data points, low-sec rewards didn’t seem to outpace high-sec enough to be worth the risk.
Just curious to hear from the folks who have a lot of data points from both high and low-sec think? Thanks!
Hardest part is finding one w/o 2 RS and or 2 Gilas… or w/o anyone for that matter.
yep, finding a site = hardest part…
If I show proof of a Hecate with a T2 fit with over 1100 dps will you send me a billion isk? I mean if it is mythical it would be worth it…right?
Try low sec.
Rattlesnakes rule these events. Polarized torpedoes with Augmented Wasps and you’re looking at over 2400 DPS (almost 2800 DPS overheated).
Encountered two Vindicators yesterday, which always won the contests (4 bosses). Still waiting to encounter a Rattle which can win against my Tengu …
have u ungrouped the launchers when it came to the boss? may help to win.
Why? It’s not whoever gets the last hit - it’s whoever deals the most damage.
are u sure?
Yes, CCP just confirmed this on Reddit yesterday. Most damage gets the wreck against NPCs. In missions, the wreck is always owned by the mission originator.
ahh ok