How do I disable the forum profanity filter?



End Test.

If you read the rules/Terms of Service you’ll find that trying to get around the filters that way is ALSO not allowed, however it seems like the mods are not particularly interested in enforcing this.

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You dont try to get around the filter. You can write words that are allowed by filter, words you can use, because they are not banned. You dont have to get around the filter to use them.

Fooock, Fuuuuk, Feeck, and other words are not banned too.

You can also write “cock milking simulator”, a fantasy game where cocks can be milked like cows.

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You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.

So what Fock means? I thought its a name. :thinking:

Or foresail in German.

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I feel like this outsourced forum’s terms of service are not in line with the spirit of our game.

In Eve Online I trade slaves. Who decided profanity is worse than slavery? I am not trying to be funny, but there is a contradictory, immersion-breaking feeling to this place. As Hir Miriel said above, there is a disconnect between the game and forums. The forum’s rules should better reflect the tenor & ethos of the game around which we communicate.

It seems like the perfect cause for a member of the CSM to take up. Not a huge issue, but something of deeper importance that could be handled at that level?

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I suspect they reflect the peculiarities of various boards of censors which CCP has to apease to get the teen rating.
(I have always thought it ludicrous that the various anglo-saxon words are profane when the latin ones aren’t)

I know that many people like to use the forums to meta-game for an in-game advantage, like suggesting things that will help their alliance instead of the game as a whole (these people are a cancer), but unless you are talking about the IGS, the forums are supposed to break immersion.

Talking on the forums is not playing the game, and should have a disconnect from the game. That being said, it doesn’t mean the profanity filter needs to be like it is.


Already taken up. :joy:

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How come words like ■■■■ and ■■■■ are forbidden, but shіt and fuсk aren’t?


Nice, didn’t even know that sequence was available to actually see the word, I just figured people were just adding those blanks and it was up to the reader to ‘fill in the blanks’.

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Sorry but according to CCP, the Eve Online forums are an extension of the game and in the past great battles have happened in-game because of events that happened in the forums.

Course that was then and this is now. Meaning these new forums don’t even have 1/5th of the amount of players posting in it compared to the old forums.

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Maybe I was too narrow when I limited it to only the IGS, but surly you can’t consider all of the forums to be playing the game? I don’t think questions about running EvE on a Linux computer with dual monitors really has anything to do with in-game happenings. Or should we give bad/wrong tech advise to anyone who is in a rival alliance/faction than we are?

I’m still seeing the forums (as a whole) being a disconnect from playing the game. :wink:

Well, even though your example is a bit extreme I’m sure you know what I mean. Here’s my example of how these forums are an extension of the game.

Years ago another forum poster and I use to have very heated arguments whenever we posted in the same thread. I’m talking about derailing threads and going way off track, basically Forum Wars with lot’s of replies being reported for moderation. Didn’t matter what the topic was or which forum it was in, we were generally disrupting the forums because we just flat out didn’t like each other.

Anyway, to make a long story short, I didn’t know it at the time but he had hired a Merc Corp to Assassinate me in-game for a few Billion ISK. After a couple of months of tracking the Merc’s finally caught up with me. I was in a +0.7 system at an exploration site when half a dozen Battleships appeared, fired weapons and launched hoards of Drones onto my Loki. A couple of minutes later my Loki was destroyed and shortly afterwards I was on the Pod Express clear across the Eve Universe to a new Medical Clone.

Course he then boasted about it in the forums so I filed a petition claiming harassment. CCP said the forums are an extension of the game and he’d have to do more than that for harassment. They also told me some other things and a few weeks later I got my revenge by having a friend in-game sell him non-existent logs that supposedly contained ‘Rage Tears’ for a couple of billion ISK.

Course as soon as he donated the ISK he realized it was a set up for revenge. To rub it even more into his face, my friend posted a thread about it in the forums. A little while later, that other forum poster and I didn’t interact any more due to CCP getting involved.

So it started in the forums, was taken into the game and then ended in the forums. That’s one example of how these forums are an extension of the game.

Its a totally different game.

For example, any sign of being nice, and they slit your throat.

In the main game, it can actually get you quite far.

I wish that were so. Not that I disapprove of profanity, just that I’d prefer to see it wielded with precision.

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You’re a sociopath

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Wars are declared based on forum activity. If you deny the forums are part of the game, you can also deny social media’s part in elections.

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Wow, are you incapable of reading. All of the forums is not part of the game, not some of the forums is not part of the game.

Also, by your logic, there is a certain bar in Iceland that must now be owned and controlled by CCP as part of the game, because the biggest war in the history of EvE was won by activity in that bar.

Or, maybe activities outside of the game effect things in the game, without those locations, venues, and activities being part of the game?

How so? Your statement doesnt match with what I said.