How do I remove a skill from the skill plan?

I’m not talking about the Training Queue on the right, but rather the Skill Plan Content that opens up on the left. I added a skill, Visibility, that I don’t have the book for, and I’ve changed my mind. I want this alt to never get this skill. The little red book icon is there (where most other skills show a + or - sign). I want to remove this skill from the plan, but I can’t figure how to do it. Right click does nothing helpful.

logged in just for you.

when you go to your skill plan, and you click on a skill see this picture for the lil trash can.

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I can’t get that trash can button to selectively remove one individual skill from a long plan. It only gives the option to remove the whole plan. Highlighting a skill from the plan and then clicking the trashcan brings up an “are you sure you want to delete this skill plan?” window. I’m not looking to delete the whole plan, just the one skill I stupidly added but don’t ever want to train.

Could be a prereq of other skills is why you cant remove it without the others

i gotchu… the first icon in the pic i sent, edits the skill plan, so you can remove a skill.

maybe right click on the skill, it should have a window pop up to remove the skill