How do I update my portrait?

As the title states; how do I update my forum picture so that I can enjoy all my clothing Options? :wink::thinking:

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Log out and then log back into the forums :purple_heart:


Well, dang it, that means I must be permalogged atmā€¦lol
Old and technology doesnā€™the always mix. :pensive:

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Did your portrait not update right away? Thereā€™s a part of the server that trawls through and updates portraits (makes them high res) sometimes it takes more than a few hours, even a downtime in my experience. :slightly_smiling_face:

I updated my profile picture yesterday, but today itā€™s still ā€œlow resā€. :confused:
But if that process would not be working for some reason that would be an explanation.

Also relevant:

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It wouldnā€™t surprise me if yet another thing was broken in the Eve client :roll_eyes:

Now that you mention it, my last portrait change was pixelated for a long time so I thought Iā€™d try a ā€œforcedā€ change by going through character editor again and resubmitting the photo.

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