Of course if you become suspect anyway, you can just snatch away the loot. You just have to be quick, so you even may survive.
This is kinda thrilling and can also be fun.
If you have the probe scanner open you usually see a bunch of sites called training anomaly etc. Those are newbie systems 100%.
About annoying the gankers - I still have an idea I want to try one day - that is to find a place where a Tornado gang sits, fit a fat juicy hauler with decent loot and another one with one carbon. Set empty one on a direct warp-in spot not visible from D-scan and a bit later warp full one to that spot and warp with empty to Tornadoes. And watch them blow themselves up for one Carbon)
I get the Instant-dock bookmark but what is a insta undock bookmark? There is more ways to undock then pressing the undock button inside the station?
After undocking, you float in front of the station in a vector away from the exit. The time you align to your next destination (e.g. Perimeter gate) you are vulnerable - and if you fly a big ship, this can take quite a while.
An undock bookmark makes use of the given vector, which means by undocking you are already aligned to get away from the hot zone to a safe spot several hundreds or thousands of km away. There you are supposed to have more time to align without any harassment.
you make one (or ideally some) bookmarks directly in the direction where your ship aims when you undock. This way your ship doesn’t need to align and will go into warp before anyone can lock you.
Since the exact undock angle differs slightly it is good to have a “set” of bookmarks at highly camped stations, some more to the right, some more to the left, up, down etc… and once undocked you pick the one directly in front of you. If you have only one, and your undocking angle is too far off the bookmark, dock up and undock again.
That’s why you make the undock bookmark off-grid. For Jita 4-4, that’s somewhere around 70,000 km.
ahh yeah, I feel stupid now. Ofcourse. I knew about that one.
Maybe you remembered it by its other name: instawarp bookmark
yeah, exactly. instant warp is the familiar term for me.
As a casual player I don’t know why do you even bother and waste your real life time to give sick pleasure to all these pirates or gankers that are all no-life miserable creatures, mostly old, sitting all day in EVE and wanking when they kill peaceful player. The game is supposed to give you relax and fun, not grief and anger. That is why if you have sentiment because you are S-F fan as me, you downloaded EVE many years ago and still have this boring and expensive game in your computer, just make some casual Alpha stuff like Abyss and log off. There is no game that should be worth your head-ache and feeling bad. There are dozens of games that are F2P and real fun, believe me.
Old players succeed.
They are a ganker apologist, ignore them.
Shooting the blue loot cans from wrecks is different to their non blue cans they dump before they die.
It is not, usually they have a large reserve of ISK to buffer instances where someone is annoyed enough to actually counter their shenanigans.
Cause the only system that rewarded this was temporarily turned off a few years ago…
Ganking is completely lacking in long term consequences due to the ability to buy security tags.
They will have people ready for this too.
Data collection around this is arguably influenced by classic survivor bias, when I first got ganked I did not even know what it was, so the expectation that someone who just lost all their stuff will fill in a form with something other than ‘this game sucks’ is dishonest.
Viable solutions have not been implemented due to certain gameplay styles having massive inertia, ie, cloaky camping, despite everyone agreeing the system needed change.
The value of items on the market are set by those who set up the orders, not some mystic formula related to how many jumps and ships died.
There are only less ships to sell if fewer are produced, or there is less demand…
CCP keeps jacking the prices up with PLEX sales happening at the same time as NES deals, its no surprise.
They are not that dumb.
Some people just want to be bullies and CCP lets them.
Or they bought PLEX when it was 300 million for 500 instead of 6 million for 1.
What could they do about it?
Im pretty sure that the game is designed for quite the opposite, and the player base and even CCP is kind of proud of the fact that eve aint for weaklings
One of the more recent changes was to prevent the use of Alpha accounts to do ganks…
CCP could also remove the ability to use ISK to get security status back via the purchase of tags, since this is just factored in as the cost of doing business and thusly loss of sec status as a punishment lacking meaningful consequence.
Well, probably this is one of the basic reasons why the game is all these years on the edge of dying as 95 % of new players quit after a while and never come back.
Do not include me in your list of abuses. I lay waste to incompliant players. I do not need to plex. I did twice a decade ago, once to see how it worked and 2nd, to buy slutty clothing so the 16 yr old’s would pause for a sec while my alts got away in that timeframe.
From your statements, looking up how old you are in the game is not worth the trouble. You should have been here earlier in the game to cry this hard.
Edit; Spelling.
Even if innocent, there are many more who are guilty.
Indeed I was, when I first started playing this game it was with my World Of Tanks group, though shortly after having made a corp it got wardeced and an Orca was lost. After the war was extended, half the group stopped logging in and focused on WoT and the others went back to a NPC corp. Yet another aspect of EVE that is in a better state, but far to late.
Though how is it crying to highlight CCP track record of knowing a mechanic is broken and taking forever to address it ?