How Do You Find Joy?

When I leave station and I hear my spaceships engines rev up as it aligns, then I see it turn with lights glisnin on the hull and I hit warp drive to the astroid… I LOVE IT!! Its like in space movies, I hear in my head Picard say Engage!

“Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning”


That’s the way it should be :blush:

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Star Citizen is the way it should be when they get their fingers out and finish the damn game.

When we get the Polaris later this year, the ganking will be glorious.

Now that is what Zaera calls joy.


I wish I could warp in any direction. If I could choose to not use a warp gate, I’d max out all of my capacitor and navigation skills, point my ship at a star, and just fly until my cap depleted! Then I’d recharge, and smash the button again! Alas, no video game has been written to allow for interstellar travel without the use of gates. Well, Star Trek Online tried, but they cheat. You just enter a miniaturized sector of space, fly to a ball of light, and then select to enter that solar system. I give it points for effort though.


Joy is chemicals released into your brain by different happenings that correspond with what your brain perceives as good.

Push button, receive bacon.

The thing is, your brain without focus on the good part, or focused on bad part, will not release joy chemicals.

Focus on good part then, dont dwell on bad, if you want to feel joy, when it comes in a form of happening.


Im trying to remember why they removed “deep safes”.

Those were nice to have.

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Never played starfield i take it?

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3 words:
No Man’s Sky

You buy that game? :joy:

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Also an amazing example. Love that game too

Yes I did buy starfield. It’s not entirely what I was hoping for but overall it’s still a good game. I’ve generally always supported Bethesda games.

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Even in No Man’s Sky, you have to go into the map screen and select which orb you want to instantly warp to.

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Did they add in actual space travel or is Starfield just hopping from planet to planet with a loading screen?

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Then you want Elite ( Dangerous or Odyssey ) no gates no nothin, just point spaceship toward a star and off you go.

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Many people disaponted by Starfield I watch in YouTube, some players very mad, they say loading screen a-gogo and no free-roam space only instance.

I dont understand people suporting a game studio even if game is bad ( not saying Starfeild bad ) I only buy the game if its good game.

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And die of boredom before you get there. Even with VR boring as hell.

All the jumps systems, stations, are pretty much exactly the same, and devoid of other players who play single player mode


We not talking about boredom, we talking about no gates. Get with program.

We not comparing what is best game, we talking about no-gate travel. Wake up from your gank-only world, gankin not 100% of any game, gankin only few percent of EVE.
Get a life.

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You didn’t say anything about loading screens, you specifically said travel between systems without gates. Starfield doesn’t have gates between system.


I support the “studio” because I’ve enjoyed every game they’ve made lol I don’t just support them because of who they are I do so because they have made good products in the past.


We are talking about whatever I decide. get with the program.


I agree with you, Bethesda made good games. That why I was surprise when many players hate on Starfeild. I wanted to buy it but I saw reviews on YT and cooled off lol

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Didn’t buy it as have Star citizen, glad I didn’t buy it though due to the bad reviews.

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