How does one remain calm and not 'salty'

The best way is to change your mindset by realizing and if needed reminding yourself to recognize this is just a game, losses are part of the gameplay experience, the time you spent on your space pixels just as the space pixels themselves are meaningless and have no worth whatsoever thus nothing of value was lost. Think of it as reading a book or watching a movie where sometimes bad things happen but it is all part of the journey, just embrace even your losses, learn from your mistakes if there is something to learn and move on as usual.

With this mindset you will not be angry even if you wasted your time, effort and space pixels in general and will be no issue throwing a gf in local if you want to, but ofc it is completely your choice if you want to or not don’t feel the need of it nor feel bad if you don’t.

So in short don’t worry about space pixels in a spaceship pew pew vid’ya game, this is all part of the experience. :slight_smile: