How has piracy been nerfed over the years?

How would you know piracy is alive as ever if you are a “new player”?

You have nothing to compare it to.


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Through rigorous studying.

yesterday I asked in a public channel… let me find the logs:

[ 2022.10.24 21:31:18 ] Arya Yeshe > when this 90% drop thing will end?
[ 2022.10.24 21:31:32 ] Arya Yeshe > 1st November
[ 2022.10.24 21:35:05 ] Salt Lover > cool event that encourages gankers and discourages frigate pilots

[ 2022.10.24 21:36:53 ] Arya Yeshe > but you are a salt lover, you love the 90% drop and frigates being one shotted
[ 2022.10.24 21:37:35 ] Salt Lover > im a big enjoyer of this game’s drawn out suicide

Can you imagine?
Someone calls himself “Salt Lover” and has that kind of attitude “gwur gwanker bad” and “game is dying”… “it is a suicide for this game having CCP creating such events as 90% drop that only encourages gwankers”

for F sake, stuff gets nerfed because such whining

Well, about piracy, since the thread belongs to Koval then I will assume he is speaking about low sec piracy… since EVE players often talk in these terms:

  • high sec: is ganking
  • low sec: is piracy
  • null sec: is blobbing

They are all the same thing, it is a gank… it is an ambush which will leave no room or barely no room for the target to fight back

Maybe what affected low sec piracy the most was when the off grid boosts were over, but that still can work both ways, so… idk

is that mtu thing still going on? where you could put a battleship inside a mtu?

ROFL uh huh.

You’re an alt. You can’t even troll right LOL.

Aw ty, I shall do so when I get home from work x

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Pls don’t get your hopes up too high as it is just something small. Smaller than an Orca but bigger than a Barge… OKAY!

Also if anyone wondering why well Ramona likes my threads which lifts my spirit ever so slightly and is the same type of spirit lift I seek while I roleplay in New Eden.

I look up to those who look up to others is why I do what I do. o/

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I think you are one of the best players here because fun comes before profit or meaness.

It is not at all strange typing openly while inside a Piracy thread as we all know there are some good pirates we had met in New Eden and you @Ramona_McCandless are a very good Pirate!

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For a lack of effort.

Nice try though.

This bloke clearly has no idea how to solo frigate pvp.

Gosh ! People do space shoot-em-ups in a space shoot-em-up game ? Next you’ll be telling me people roll cheese at the international cheese rolling championships. Outrageous !

Xui asked me post this here.

  1. CONCORD was made an invincible, untankable killswitch giving gank targets free infinite ECM, free infinite neuts, free infinite scrams, and free infinite DPS after X number of seconds.

  2. Gateguns were added.

  3. “Crimewatch” removed canflipping by introducing the “suspect” flag, so targets could always take their ore back safely.

  4. “Crimewatch” nerfed baiting mission runners into CONCORDing themselves due to the introduction of the (default green) “safety toggle”.

  5. Corp “friendly fire” toggle completely killed “safari” (the act of serial-joining corps to AWOX and ransom them). The toggle is “off” by default, and most corps never change it.

  6. CCP banning recruitment scams in all official channels effectively killing the “reverse safari”.

  7. The introduction of Citadels with infinite private hangars and new corporation role management removed a plethora of ways to “creatively acquire” assets.

  8. The introduction of large “mining holds” on barges reduced opportunities for ore theft/suspect baiting in belts.

  9. The switch from “Corporation Hangars” (based on corp roles set by CEO/Director) to “Fleet Hangars” (based on the pilot pressing 1 button on their inventory) plus the massive expansion of Orca ore capacity all but destroyed ore theft/suspect baiting in belts. Miners can now deposit all their ore into an Orca, and then a hauler can come and take the ore straight from fleet hangar. The ore never needs to be dropped in a can.

  10. Mining barges now have 2-3x more EHP (10x EHP for procurers) and Exhumers have even more EHP than that (plus more midslots to fit tank).

  11. Mining barges have had their alignment times reduced.

  12. Freighters and JFs had their base EHP buffed, and were granted 3 lowslots to further improve their EHP with bulkheads.

  13. WarDecs were changed so that the attacker and defender must both hold citadels. The attacker’s Citadel can be killed in 1 day, while the defender’s citadel has normal timers. This has completely killed small, independent WarDecs as almost every corp in HiSec is now immune to wars.

  14. Neutral logi “suspect flag” was introduced, another blow to gameplay that relied on neutral logi.

  15. “Suspect flag” removed from neutral logi and replaced with CONCORDOKEN.

  16. Bounty system changed so that people couldn’t cash their own bounties out by podding themselves with an alt.

  17. Battleship EHP massively buffed.

  18. In space compression added. Miners can now compress their ore locally in their own cargo hold 80km+ away from the Orca.

What is this space shoot ‘em up you speak of? It sounds like it would a perfect cesspool to harbor antisocial psychotic degenerates.

And what kind of horrible person would do that to a perfectly good cheese wheel? Psychos.

Who’s Xui and why didn’t they post it here?

Are these things that affected piracy specifically or just any change that may have had any affect on the ability to blow up ships? Because I’ve been reading through patch notes in reverse to try to learn about the game (because I’m new) and there must be thousands of things missing from this list if it’s anything that can affect blowing up ships.

I don’t talk to alts.

Come back with your main.

I am my main.

I’m confused at your last point too. Does ore compression affect piracy?

Thanks everyone who stayed on topic, and thanks for sharing Xiu’s list Aiko.

I have updated the OP with everyone’s on-topic responses. It can now be referenced in future discussions.

This thread’s purpose has been fulfilled, @ISD_Traindriver I would appreciate if this thread is closed.


If your goal was to just post that list and not allow any discussion on it, why have the thread at all?

@ISD_Traindriver could you please also look into why two of my posts were flagged then deleted when they broke no forum rules?

Ah…my bad. I thought I was posting on Eve Online…HTFU and all that. I must have been re-directed to the local retirement home’s Scrabble forum.

Because you can be brave and press this button to have whatever discussion you want.


I did it for what I want: preserving Xiu’s list of nerfs that got swept up in a massive thread clean-up. It was a good, informative post, worthy of preservation.

Go start your own thread.

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