How I lost 9 Quafe Zero Boosters in Perimeter

Since my initial operation with losing 9 Quafe Zero Boosters I’ve been busy with everything that came out of that little encounter. Let’s recap:

  • I’ve trained all the skills needed to be able to fit up a thrasher and a worm so I can do what they do and also use their MO to my advantage and/or disrupt their operations.
  • I’ve placed a Mobile Tractor Unit or as I call it a Wacky Wobbler Wibble Won at EVE unit to suck up Uncle’s dropped items or maybe some of the ganked loot. I like to think of the idea that now they need to step up their coordination because if they don’t pick up the loot then Wacky Wobbler Wibble there will suck it up good :laughing:
  • Learned some skills like R&D with Killboard to note: use some gold capsule implant or another unique identifier to turn into 99percentcorp1
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