“the following is the testimony of a companion”
hello, i hear their a region in New Eden where unknow pilot can go and mining, hunting npc or even hunt other hostils pilots.
so i taken my stuff in my iteron and moved to Dital system, the door of this welcome region !
after speacking to the diplomate on the channel CVA-DIPLO, i was confirmed i m ‘not kos’ pilot and i m welcome to do what i wan in their region nullsec.
So i moved my iteron to the system DNR and landed in a citadel open to unknow pilots
I buyed a barge in the fortizar in 9UY open to unknow pilot also, and i started to mining in DNR anomaly…
After 2 peace day, i was agressed by a pirats with vagabond ship. i called help and i see many good pilots come to help me and saved my barge !
I speacking with them i say
- hey why you saved me ? you dont know me !
they say me:
We fight for unknow pilots are welcome and protected in our region, that our goal.
Now i m in the region of Providence since one year and i joined a blue alliance of Provi block. And i participate to help unknow pilots agressed in the region. It is very cool job!
You re an unknow pilot ? you need to know the ressource of Providence region is open to you if you re not hostil first with the resident here.
welcome to you unknow capsuler !
remember flying in nullsec is allway dangerous, many pirats roam around. Better to join a blue alliance to get intel channel and friends there.
note: If you re KOS (kill on sight) for the region of Providence because you agressed us or joined a KOS entity, you can allways speack to our diplo kos-admin if you repent to be welcome and NOT KOS