How much does the 90% loot event effect random ganking?

I think yall are just debating if water is wet with this OP. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

90% loot drop = More ganking AND PVP across the board. Do we need to commission a case study on this?

Sheesh…if I wanted to engage with NPCs all day I’d just play a single player game all day and would not need an internet connection. The very basis of any MMO is engagement with other players.


Whether there’s a problem with it or not doesn’t matter. It’s basic reality of life. But I thought you were arguing based on a fantasy dystopian world created by CCP, not real life. As far as I’m concerned I don’t expect to be ganked on my way to work but even then, carjacking does exist.

My mom likes Farmville, and was trying to understand EvE, so I said how would you like it if the government came and took all your potatoes and burnt your barn down, and then she started crying and said she didn’t want to play EvE Online.


Yes, this is a gankfest right now. You can see yourself amount of ganked marauders and other expensive stuff went up since it started. I would advise you to go PvPing right now, and if you dont really want to do PvP, then blame CCP or go cheap fleet with logi, augorors with mallers or omens. If you solo, there isnt much you can do, outside of some specific fits that need a lot of SP and investment is a ship hull with passive tank bonuses.

You are generally right, if you consider PvE players as the farmers, and gankers as zombies eating brains, then zombies now have 90% buff instead of 50% buff. it adds no reward for farmers, only monsters profit off of it. Looter assist gankers that scoops everything, so you can consider its one sided scenario by default.

I imagine this was the feeling of horror CCP wanted to add to the game at last.

gankers: how easy/rewarding can you make ganking? ccp: yes

Re Thread title:
I would assume it increases it a bit, but not by much, in hisec ? If it makes people think twice about not over-blinging their fits, that would be their part of the “advantage” and hisec gankers are not interested in fits on a shoestring budget, even at 90%.
In low-sec I haven’t noticed any increase, but it’s hard to tell with the other event running at the same time.

In nullsec we of course love it. It helps pay the bills and lowers the suffering from TiDi :laughing: But it does not seem to increase the number of fights, just the eagerness to fight.
Likely the wormholers love it too.

Just a reminder that this is a pvp game. Thank you, CCP !!! :heart:


all those guys who think this is a pure pvp game obviously never played one, lul

incoming: someone is going to explain what a “pure pvp” game is. Take notes.


maybe i would do that, or explain why eve is not a pure pvp game if i didnt already know where this discusion would lead to. not going to waste my time trying to convince dunning kruegers or guys with rose tinted glasses. eve is so important for some guys in here, they cant see it objective anymore. too mu8ch self esteem on the line i guess.

It ends in people flying cheap fits and working in groups and the biggest group with cheapest and more efficient fits wins, so it starts looking a lot like null sec eventually, untill people realize there is not much point in it fighting again the same boring fights that outcome is predictable, and everyone is bored again.

The game is solved already. The solution just needs to be spread more.

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Is the solution related to your deep experience on the matter, just like your „vast“ experience with the overpowered triple-XLASB Vargur PvP fit?

Or were you hoping everyone forgot that episode?

My experience with marauders exceeds one particular fitting. But I am not here to boast, especially when you can get humbled by people who think ahead of you, easily, when it comes to fittings, just like I did few times when fighting marauders. Its numbers game, with a bit of prediction of what would people do, vs what they already did, and fitting accordingly. Sometimes time or circumstances are to your favor also.

Anyway, that I was able to solo 1vs1 a golem with pretty nasty neuting capabilities, and I used only light drones and 120 rounds of ammo to destroy it, is a sign that you can really solve everything if you think long enough. Sometimes the solution is good enough for me, a rather cautious person, to implement it, and I also think people are not as mad enough as me.

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This event has been here for years dude.

2 weeks or one month it’s all the same. Selective outrage is so sad.

Give it about week 3 and people will die down from the site craze.

On the flip side in the past we have baited gankers to interfere with our event runners , one time we did the site in 7 T1 cruisers a Loki warped in and must have thought haha pve cruisers what a surprise he had when they turned out to be PvP blaster fit with logistic support.

He died we got his 90% loot and all the salt we could get, mined you the site was hard in 7 PvP cruisers but our logistics won the day.



I mean dude I’ve been ganked one time about 8 years ago - and it was painfully obvious why.

It’s NOT HARD to avoid ganking. And gankers are NOT going out of their way to kill a t2 fit loki.

Eve is far more analogous to real life than any other game made. It is absolutely a reflection of human nature

Lol! Dude, grow a pair

Share what you are smoking with the rest of us plz

