How to destroy the containers in Molea

Hello everyone,

During my travels I have found a huge concentration of containers in Molea, in a place called “Molea Memorial”.

I believe it would be interesting to discuss the best way to remove them.

It seems this was achieved in 2008: Molea Cemetery Destroyed by Jihadswarm | EVE Online

but some years later CCP created the memorial, however CCP clearly wrote that the containers “may still be destroyed or looted” (Tribute to the Fallen | EVE Online)

Which would be the best way to remove these massive concentration of space thingies from Molea?

wrhy would you want to remove a monument in honor of Capslueers who died in real life?


I dont want it, I just want to know the best way to do it, I am an optimizer.

Even if I knew I would not do it nor tell anyone else how to go about it.



Maybe there is a language barrier here? The Molea Memorial is a graveyard for REAL deaths. Would you wonder into a graveyard and topple gravestones? A lot of people who played this game over the past 20 years and passed away are being honored with this site. Please don’t even consider such an action.

Thank you, and fly safe o7


You would make a lot of enemies really quickly if you went down this route.


A three hour old character with the name that it has and y’all take the bait. Hook, line, and sinker.

I feel like this is going to be quite the :popcorn: thread.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


I will help you destroy them.

Contact me in game.


/me ticks a box . . . ‘Meets expectations’



just from a completly theoretical math exercise: Could some praxis smartbombers do the job? theoretically speaking, given a huge concentration of small secured containers, how many praxis would someone need to clean the area?, it would end being some kind of HS gank right?

Shocking isn’t it

While I am certainly not one to quail over ingame moral dilemmas, I do think there are possibly better, and perhaps less egregious to the sanctity of the human soul, activities that you can pursue in the game of eve online.

With lively regards
-James Fuchs


Yep. Very shocking.

Eve is all about kicking over sandcastles. This is no different than when people hosted a funeral on a World of Warcraft PvP server and it was swarmed by a very large Horde group. The entire Alliance funeral was decimated. Well… That’s a PvP server for you. You don’t gather on a PvP server unless you want to be attacked.

This is no different. Someone will eventually kick over this sandcastle too. It’s inevitable.

well you could spend a few trillions wardecing the corps that can be, then use auto targeting to get rid of them, but you better bring some lunch as those little containers are not easy to get rid of, plus you may need a small army defending yourself as you will have half of eve on your A$$ while trying, which is probably worse than concord)

for the ones you can’t wardec you need to gank them, so you may come up with another trillion or two so for catalyst army and a few hundred Fredom Dollars to create disposable accounts that actually do the job since you will make quite a bit of an enemy doing this. (rightfully so!)


The carnage! The Revenge! The contracts! Bounties! This is what Eve is about!

Wow. I guess nothing is sacred anymore.

As others have said that memorial is an in game tribute to players who have died. Why would you even consider such a thing? I get that the game is about destruction, corruption, scams and general asshattery but, come on. Have a little respect please.


Why doesnt the Op post with their main ? Oh wait maybe because 99% of eve would perma dec/gank you and generally fark your game play for eternity

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It’s already disrespectful to had established the memorial on one of the most dead regions of space.

Yet the OP wants them removed.