How to disable 'Take Control' in a corp pos

while docked in a corp pos (in a C3 wh) I see a button that reads ‘Take Control’

is anyone able to advise me how this is made unusable or how it is disabled pls?

thanx for any feedback


idk if it can be disabled… you can’t take control anyway unless you have the corp permissions to do so.

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hey Geo,

thanx for your comment, in which case I assume ‘access’ is based on corp member ‘permissions setting’ i.e access is set/cleared individually per each corp (and/or alliance) member and is not based on a ‘global’ on/off setting.

yes, you have to have permissions or role i should say, if you are not the ceo/director.

ok, thanx for this, I’ll take it look into that and see if it resolves the matter for me and the corp.

o7 :slight_smile:

Only players with the roles of Station Manager, Director, or CEO will see the “My Structures” tab.

So you need that role to “take control” which also allows you to add fuel to the structure

But i think that is there automatically in any structure you enter, regardless if its your corps or not. Just cant access it without being station manager or higher

hey Geo,

I accept that what you say may be true, however my experience this evening is that while I do not see any tab titled ‘My Structures’ I do see the following ‘buttons’:-
Take Control / View Outside / Undock
and they are all available as ‘enabled/live’ while I am docked in station.

I do know that I have seen the same in other player stations on occassion and when I;ve pointed it out to the station owner/manager then subsequently the same ‘Take Control’ button has become ‘de-activated/disabled’. I assumed that there musr be some kinda dialog interface available to that character/player to permit such access/control and which is, therefore, unavailable to ‘regular/routine/unauthorised’ corp members.

The my structures tab if you have the role of Station manager would be in the neocom menus

ack with thanx