Another way to find R&D agents in this post-finder world: Go to Dotlan, type in the corp you want, go to corp info window, click on “Agents”, search through the list with Ctrl+f and “R&D”. (Or just read it if you’re fast enough.)
this infuriated me when i finally found it in The Agency window… with it’s big ass buttons and horrible filters. i can’t just go straight to a corporation i like either, i have to select it’s faction first, then i can finally click my corporation.
I will miss the finder.
in the past: just select the faction, agent Type “R&D” and you have them all an the screen.
Now, you have to know at least the corporation. and search with… dotlan? We really dont have better solution as use third party tools?
Bad job ccp!
I am just so happy I know which corperation have R@D missions, I imagin it would be a nightmare for new players.
Assuming they ever figure out they exist.