How to get more people to play eve online?

A. Remove Hi-Sec ganking altogether. No beating around the bush just remove it.
B. Make eve Free to Play. Not this half way house BS that eve is now.
C. Bring in a fully voiced tutorial that’s almost like a single player campaign (with cutscenes and all) that covers all aspects of the game and leaves players with a good start and amount of isk.
D. Create more engaging PVE with differing possible outcomes , stories , cutscenes etc.
D. Reinstate the blackout for good.

Do all these thing’s and eve numbers will start to climb and eventually eve will flourish once more.

The Blackout led to a huge chunk of Null unsubscribing. It was trash, unless you were a ganker. Good pilots just couldn’t pay the bills. This is supposed to be a game after all.


Making High Sec safe would certainly help. Bored Null pilots blowing up pricey stuff in cheap pap is… Quite the hole in the system ( linked to content ).

There is no way highsec ganking will ever be eliminated. It is a preposterous suggestion. The best you could ever hope for is that ganking be eliminated in 1.0 sec - and I think even that would be a bitter, bitter pill for CCP and a lot of the players to swallow.

But eliminating ganking in 0.5 systems? CCP will go down with the ship before they do that.

Yup, 0.5’s are supposed to be risky.

So where is the line?

If you undock in your new shiny you spent ages on, and it’s fragged by 1.5 dozen low skill f1 monkeys in cheap ships, within 1 day, you’re not gonna be enthused. And High Sec likes to sell shinies.

The clue is in the name. ‘High Sec’. When, in reality, it should be ‘No Sec’.

The whole game is meant to be risky, that’s the core concept behind it in the first place.

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The Sec thing is interesting because:

I’ve argued for ages for Economic Levers.

High Sec pays bad, and is risky.

Null is still risky, but the pay is better. You also stand a chance of seeing a ganker coming. Hot Drops are the counter.

WH’s are High Risk High Reward. Defensive rolling.


The problem IS High Sec. How swarms of cheap pap can sneak up on you & pow!

The whole game still runs on the 2007 mechanic. Pre-crash.

Since then, in my country at least, we’ve had 10 yrs of weak-to-bad wages with 10 yrs of inflation. People genuinely have less money spare for a flutter now.

And EVE either evolves, or it dies.

The risk mechanic dates back to beta.

Since then, in my country at least, we’ve had 10 yrs of weak-to-bad wages with 10 yrs of inflation. People genuinely have less money spare for a flutter now.

In effect Eve is actually cheaper now than it was 10 years ago, because CCP haven’t increased the sub in line with inflation. I too live in the UK and pay in £, I’m well aware of just how shite the pay packets are when compared to inflation, despite the annual increases in minimum wage.

And EVE either evolves, or it dies.

Not neccesarily, as a niche product it stands a better chance of surviving than a lot of the utter dross that devs pump out every week.


I agree that undoing the cyno changes is unlikely to happen which is why the players will not return. You can’t expect cap accounts to resub in a world where using those accounts is more difficult, it doesn’t really justify 9.99/month. Apologies if I’m mislabeling you here, but assuming you’re a high seccer, imagine if the protection of security status was removed and anyone could attack anyone like in null sec, could you understand why high seccers may unsub as a result? Would it be fair to expect them to return unless the change was reverted?

I’d much rather CCP applied a different approach where ALL playstyles were RESPECTED and had COMPELLING designs. Improve high sec, improve cap gameplay, improve wormholes - stop spending time and effort annoying players and frustrating legitimately pursuits in game. If you want to get rid of caps (as so many call for on these predominantly high sec occupied forums) help us fight with them, don’t make escalations a thing of the past.

And then you buy your first Rattler.

£15 in real money, as you bought some shinies.

And about 40m in cheap tat then takes you out, as you get unlucky on location.

And you…

Well, if you aren’t in a corp yet; or you’ve been farmed by Baby-seal Clubbers; you then… Well, in June only 4% of newbs lasted past 3 months.

Ganking is just too easy in High Sec.

But that’s my view. In a country with rising poverty making it much harder to game. And EVE has no ‘save game’ button. In Warhamster you can re-use the model if you lose the barney. Not in EVE.

You have to realize that the majority of people playing, particularly new players, don’t have access to anywhere near that kind of isk. Balancing the whole game around it is absurd. From the perspective of a new player my ships don’t matter, the isk I make is worthless compared to Johnny 6 Alts with his Rorqual miners and my only option to feel useful in a reasonable time frame is selling PLEX and buying injectors. And CCP wonders why people don’t stick around.

Supercap battles, fine. Of course we still want them. Supercaps dominating everything else? People multiboxing 5 Rorquals or printing 1b per hour in a C5? That kind of stuff is not sustainable for a healthy game and we’re seeing exactly that right now. New players not sticking around. No supercap fights anymore. PVP groups folding left and right. That has nothing to do with the cyno changes, it’s 3 years worth of gross imbalance and out of control isk faucets making everything other than titans obsolete. If you can’t bring more titans than the other guy you might as well not show up at all. Instead use that time to farm more titans, which is what everyone is doing right now. And new players? ■■■■ em I guess, better start buying injectors pal we gotta get you in a titan ASAP.

The core of this game needs to be subcaps. They make up 90% of the ships in the game, they’re available to everyone and nobody is going to lose their alliance on account of one failed battle. They may lose an objective, like a Keepstar, but they can be back tomorrow with a new fleet. Supercaps don’t work that way which is why nobody is willing to risk them anymore. You lose your titan fleet once and you’re ■■■■■■, end of story.

But too many people like you can’t see past your 4 capital alts and your Rorq farm. You’re blind to the fact that the things you’re trying to protect are exactly the things that over the past 3 years made the game what it is today. A boring, never ending grind for more supercaps, where people would rather pack up all their citadels and leave than fight even one battle that they know will ruin them.


I don’t tend to meddle much with high seccers as I think high sec and null sec should both have compelling designs, but I have to jump in here and correct you. At present the biggest source of ISK generation is in high sec and wormholes, to give you an idea:

High Sec
Triple boxing t5 abyssals - 800m/hour
Triple boxing Incursions - 600m/hour
Triple boxing l4 missions - 600m/hour

Triple boxing c5s - 800m/hour
Hobo dread c5 - 1b/hour
Triple boxing dreads - 3b/hour

Null Sec
Triple boxing rorqs - 500m/hour
Supercarrier ratting - 320m/hour
Titan ratting - 350m/hour

I’m a null seccer, but I have 3 pilots in high sec for ISK generation.

Unfortunately these forums are predominantly occupied by high seccers who believe the meems of free ISK in null. It’s simply not true now, CCP made high sec the best source of risk free ISK. You can spin up 3 Incursion pilots or t5 assault frig accounts in a month, to spin up 3 rorq pilots will take you a year + running t5s or incurssions you may risk 5b of assets at most, 3 rorqs on field is 24b minimum, titan ratting and you’re looking at 60b+.

By all means advocate high sec improvements I’m with you on that and you’ve had most of the new content recently with Trig invasions, but don’t try to suggest high sec is dangerous when the most you can ever lose is an orca and barges or some faction battleships in an incursion. You don’t have to worry about 100 dreads being dropped on you from a nearby null dread cache or WH fleet entering your system etc.

Enjoy what you have and quit championing designs that hurt null, lest you want the null players to continue to unsub.

I’m happy to stand corrected on this data, but how much of High Sec ISK generation is Incursion or Station Trading?

Explo & Ishtar.

And you can then pay the bills enough.


I agree that Incursion is a useful tool. But the repetition can get Toxic.

I’m not sure what your point is, but explo and subcap ratting is terrible isk generation. Here are some numbers:

Astero explo in null (Sansha space for the armour plates) - 200m/hour
Loki/tengu null combat explo (drone lands) - 150m/hour
Legion combat WH explo (legion is best due to crystals > missiles for longevity) - 180m/hour

Subcap Ratting
Ishtar running rock havens/forsaken hubs - 60m/hour
Myrms - 50m/hour
Domis - 50m/hour

For a long time before I spun up rorq and super accounts, exploration was my main source of income. It’s probably the most enjoyable activity in the game imo + you can drop in enemy space and kill some ratters, but it’s isk rewards are so low compared to the activities in my post above.

They make for great entry level pve activities though, but most null seccers grow out of them within 6 months. I personally aim for a minimum of 500m/hour when I’m grinding ISK, not that I really need ISK anymore in a world where cap gameplay is diminishing (see my original post above about wanting to use my supers more and resubbing my cap accounts).

That’ll pay for a few Caracals. And you can see the enemy coming too, as we are a big team in Null :slight_smile:

What are you talking about? Please read my original post above, I grew out of subcap pvp/pve years ago, I’m advocating reverting the cyno changes so I have a reason to resub my super accounts as capital escalations are the only thing I find compelling now. I long for the next UALX/BR5 etc and I’m not the only one. Cyno change was cancer to my playstyle, no point paying for dead, titan, fax, superc accounts when you can’t use them as freely.

Here’s my original posts as I suspect you only saw my posts correcting a high seccer who was moaning that null made more isk than high:

Surely there is some fine-tuning to cynos that would satisfy you, other than a full reversal…?

Sure, a couple of ways, give recons an immunity effect similar to the PANIC module which kicks in once they drop a cyno, that would allow escalations to happen reliably without the recon being alpha’d off the field.

Alternatively allow caps to fit cynos again so you can escalate from dread/carriers to superc/titans (any recon on field will be alpha’d if regular caps are present).

Perhaps only one type of capital would be able to fit the cyno…